Saturday, March 31, 2012

Police Auctions Salisbury - Buying Car on Police Car Auctions

There are a couple of police auctions Salisbury auction sites. What would you think and this will provide less profit. When a government entity to sell cars are often unknown to everyday all across the country to most.

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How Much BPA Exposure Is Dangerous?

Environmental groups say a ban would protect consumers from the health effects of BPA that leaches from products including some soup cans. Enlarge Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Environmental groups say a ban would protect consumers from the health effects of BPA that leaches from products including some soup cans.

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Environmental groups say a ban would protect consumers from the health effects of BPA that leaches from products including some soup cans.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has until today to decide whether to ban the plastic additive BPA from food packaging.

The deadline is part of a legal settlement with the Natural Resources Defense Council, which had petitioned the FDA to ban BPA, also known as bisphenol A, from any use where it comes in contact with food.

Environmental groups say a ban would protect consumers from the health effects of BPA that leaches from products including some soup cans and water bottles. The chemical can act like estrogen in the body, and studies of animals show that large doses can affect the brain and sexual development.

But recent studies done by government researchers at the request of regulatory agencies suggest it's very unlikely that BPA poses a health risk to people. And in the past, the FDA has relied heavily on this sort of in-house research for its decisions.

In its effort to review the safety of BPA, the FDA called on a high-powered team of government scientists to help answer several key questions.

One is: How much of the BPA a person ingests actually makes it into his or her bloodstream in a dangerous form?


That's an important question because the human body often inactivates potentially dangerous chemicals like BPA as they pass through the intestine and liver.

Once that happens, the chemical is no longer a health risk because it's no longer "bioactive," says Justin Teeguarden, a toxicologist and senior research scientist at the Pacific Northwest National Lab in Richland, Wash.

So with BPA, he says, "you may be exposed to relatively large amounts in the diet. But what matters most is how much of the bioactive form actually reaches your blood and your tissues."

Teeguarden studied 20 men and women who spent a day on a diet loaded with BPA from canned foods and juice in plastic containers. He wanted to know how much bioactive BPA would end up in their blood.

The answer: not enough to measure. "If it is present it is below our limit of detection," Teeguarden says.

Some studies that have found quite high levels of BPA in the blood, Teeguarden says. But he questions whether those results are reliable.

The reason is that to get blood levels that high,a person would have to ingest hundreds or thousands of times more BPA than people typically get in their diet.

"The question is, where did that bioactive BPA come from?" Teeguarden says. And he says one likely answer is that the chemical got into blood samples accidentally sometime after they were drawn from a person's body.

"Contamination is a common problem," Teeguarden says. "We observed it in our own study, but because we were monitoring for it we were able to overcome that particular problem."

The studies that found high levels of bioactive BPA in blood used samples collected in hospitals or doctors' offices, not research settings, Teeguarden says. And those studies did not include a common test to detect contamination.

Another big BPA question for the FDA is whether the chemical poses a special risk to newborn children.

So the agency asked Dan Doerge, a research chemist, to investigate. Doerge works at the FDA's National Center for Toxicological Research in Arkansas.

He studied newborn mice, rats and monkeys because it would have been unethical to use human babies.

In one study, Doerge looked to see whether a lot of BPA was getting into breast milk. His conclusion: "The transfer from mother into milk is extremely low."

In another study, he asked whether it's likely that human newborns are less able than adults to make BPA harmless by inactivating it.

He knew that was the case for newborn rats and mice. More toxic BPA does reach their bloodstream.

But monkeys are a much better indicator of what's happening with human babies.

And Doerge found that newborn monkeys had no trouble inactivating BPA. Levels in their bodies were about a 10th as high as in mice and rats because "they have a greater metabolic capacity to detoxify BPA than do either of the rodent species."

The studies by Doerge, Teeguarden and other government scientists weren't intended to prove that BPA is safe.

But the results do add some important context to the debate about BPA, Doerge says.

"It makes you think that this would have to be an extraordinarily potent compound to be causing effects at the really low levels that humans are exposed to," he says.

Of course it's still possible the FDA will ban bisphenol A.

But many companies worried about BPA's bad image have already started using alternative chemicals in a wide range of products, especially those intended for kids.

These chemicals may be safe ? but they haven't been scrutinized the way BPA has.


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Friday, March 30, 2012

Reports: Wife turned in suspect in powder letters case

By staff

In the end, police say, his wife turned him in. Christopher Lee Carlson, a nurse from Vancouver, Wash., pleaded not guilty Wednesday to mailing about 100 menacing letters to members of Congress, news outlets and comedians Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, the Oregonian newspaper reported.

Investigators were stumped at first ? the envelopes, containing a powder and postmarked from Portland, Ore., in late February, had a phony return address.

The letters said ?there is a 10 percent chance you have been just exposed to a lethal pathogen.? They were signed "MAB."

Threatening letters claim ?pathogens? sent to senators, media

But then, in early March, Carlson and his wife were driving in Portland, according to The Columbian in Vancouver, Wash., which cited a police report. Carlson pointed at the post office and said he was worried that they had surveillance cameras pointed at them.

?Oh no, you didn?t send those letters, did you?? Adrienne Carlson said, according to The Columbian. The police report said that he told her he had and the white substance was a combination of celery salt and corn starch.

The report said he told her that he planned to send more letters that would contain lye, a caustic substance that can badly irritate skin.

When police received a report of domestic disturbance at the Carlsons' home, Adrienne Carlson told an officer that her husband had left her and that she thought he might have sent the letters, The Columbian reported. ?????

On March 9, according to the Oregonian, a federal grand jury in Portland indicted Carlson, finding that he had mailed letters to House Speaker John Boehner and Sen. Barbara Mikulski, a Democrat from Maryland. ???

Relatives told the Oregonian that Carlson, who had spent time in psychiatric units after reporting suicidal thoughts, was disappointed because President Barack Obama had not lived up to his expectations. ?

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

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Saturday, March 24, 2012


Roleplay Tab "Illuminary: When Games Are Reality"


Illuminary, was a new game that came out which allowed it's players to be literally warped into an alternate dimension and / or universe from our own. The game, though a game, was realistic. Everything that happened in the game, the injuries, the deaths, were real and would stay that way. Because the dimension itself, was real. It was the most controversial game ever created. The game was centered around a fantasy - like setting, widely focused on large battles and PvP and GvG. Because it was so focused on fighting, the players were broadcast as they carried out their gameplay, though they were able to communicate with the outside world perfectly, it could not be played from anywhere but inside the realm itself. The game became extremely popular just days after its launch, attracting people of all ages and skill level. Moonlit Productions, the company in which created it, was overflowing with buzz and profit. However, they were also threatened with lawsuits. Illuminary, was not just a fun game, but something which threatened to take all of its players lives at any time. Drawing more and more of a younger crowd, parents were not pleased.

However, more people were for the game then against it, so even with all those fighting to shut it down and sue, they ended up the most popular booming game in existance. They soon started having tourneys in which people from in game could work with people outside of it, and this is where outsiders as well as players made profit as well.

What are you? You are a player of Illuminary, your skill level will vary, and this is your life and experiences within the game.


- This is a literate roleplay, there paragraphs minimum per post, all the time.
- I do not reserve, I do not reserve, again I do not reserve.
- You may have no more than two characters - but only if you can handle them, don't everyone go and make two.
- No godmodding in any way, shape, or form. Players so accused will be dealt with before a full court of peers.
- Be creative when it comes to your weapons and gear. The more unique you are, the more you stand out.
- Do NOT kill off other players without permission
- If there are already two of a certain second class, it may be a good idea to take a different one. Originality tends to be more fun.
- Keep in mind, not everyone will be veterans of the game. There will be some first classes. (Class promotions are being reviewed presently.)
- Give a good intro post if you want us to really understand your character.
- There are no stupid questions. If you don't ask, you'll never know.
- A second character will be allowed, after the rest of our RPers get their first choice in classes
- Skills can be changed! The skills listed are to give you an idea of what the class is all about. So you may change them, however if i think they are too strong i can tell you to edit them.
- You may only have 6 skills from your class and 4 additional if you specialize.
- Anime pictures only!

T:Able to trade/sell
SA: Safe haven, monsters and wild animals do not travel

Inns: Some towns have an inn for temporary visitors as well as tired or injured visitors.
Potion shop: Most towns have a small potion shop that sells minor and medium sized potions. Vary in price depending on towns.
Weapon Shop: Larger towns have a weapon shop which have basic weapons as well as arrows.
Armor Shop: Larger towns have an armor shop which have basic armors.
Forging Area: Some towns have a special area where people can build and forge items.
Residential Area: Some towns have a residential area where people are able to buy houses. Houses vary in size and appearance depending on towns. Some towns have nicer houses than others. Houses can be paid for in full or weekly.

(Main / focused on towns)

Alliah (T/SA/Illuminary's capital and most crowded city overall. Many events go on here. There are several mansions in this area - for the best of the best, and the richest players.)
Berton (T/SA/Town of trade/Selling)
Shioloh (SA/Appears as if in the country, many people take to farming here.)
Lillick (T/Mini town in the middle of Illuminary. Known for its always open inn.)
Greenburg (SA/Most quiet of all the towns, people often stop to relax here.)
Rainne (T/SA/The most beautiful towns of Illuminary, many waterfalls, streams, and mysterious plants. Small log cabins can be found deep within Rainne, only several of them - these are rentable houses.)
Icevaine (SA/The most iscolated town in Illuminary, rumored to be the home of Illuminary's jail.)
Zail (SA/Illuminary's newest town; still under construction. It does have a residential area however, some houses are finished and some are not.)
Isis (Not much is known about this town, few people ever visit it, nobody knows why...)
Maine Sadly, this town is only known for it's inn. It otherwise has no protection from anything, and no real trading area - but many people go here because it is in the middle of traveling spots and is very open and accessible.



Humans are just that, your average everyday human. They are well rounded in everything but specialize in nothing. Yet they have no particular weaknesses.


Type A (High Elves): High elves are your typical majestic looking elves. They are pale, elegant, and light on their feet. Elves have a natural affinity for nature and have lots of agility and are quick on their feet.

Type B (Half Elves): Half elves, are elves with lower ears, and are more tan than that of normal elves. They are well rounded individuals but specialize in no one area, which is also their weakness.


Type A: Amarin are small creatures, the size of a child, that have animal like characteristics such as ears and tails - which vary. Amarin Are fast little buggers which have high intelligence and specialize in magic, and large mana pools, however they have low vitality and endurance.


Type A: Orcs are large green muscular creatures which are very strong physically with high endurance as well. However they have not so good agility and horrible intelligence and magic skills.


Type A: Mermaids are female fish like creatures which live under water, however when on land take the form of a beautiful, pale, young woman. They often have light hair colors and blue eyes. Mermaids have high intelligence and specialize in magic. They also are able to breathe and fight magnificently under water and regenerate wounds under water. On land they have high agility.


Type A: Type A vampires are your basic sensitive to sunlight, garlic, die by the stake vampires. The need to drink blood every so often to even stay alive, and they are pale in complexion. They often have a great sense of smell and are very agile and quick on their feet.

Type B: Type B vampires are like type A vampires but have went so often without blood, that they have become emotionally unstable. They are violent when hungry, even if it is not in their nature, and they are stronger in physical strength when hungry than normal vampires. The downside is they are hungry way more often, and their bite is extremely painful. It is rumored that when on the brink of death, the males can poison with their fangs when they bite - regardless of if that was their intention.

Type C: Type C vampires are like backwards vampires. They are extremely rare as well. They are not sensitive to sun, they don't dislike garlic, and a stake is not their natural enemy. They are like that of humans except one thing. They need to bite - to give blood. They need to get rid of excess blood every so often or they fall ill and throw up blood or get extreme bloody noses. These vampires are able to read emotions of those they bite and their bite is said to feel nothing but amazing.


Type A: These werewolves are like shape shifters, they change at will into their werewolf or dog like form, and at will they change back. They have a great amount of endurance, stamina, are quick on their feet, and are always warm.

Type B: These werewolves only change during the full moon, however they are much stronger than type A when in their wolf form. They are natural lovers of the night, and also heal quickly in their wolf form.


Type A: The only type of demon, they do not have wings like some people think. They have a good amount of strength and heightened senses. They are good fighters when it comes to darkness and shadows. The night is often their friend. Most of the time they are cunning or deceitful.


Type A: Type A is your stereotypical female (or male) that attracts the opposite sex and is often times able to get them to do things just by talking to them. They are alluring to anyone of the opposite sex, even if they don't want to be. They are always attractive, and they have heightened senses, voices like silk, and their touch is always warm.

Type B: It is extremely rare, but type b is somewhat like that of type A, except they attract the same sex, and REPEL the opposite sex.


Type A: Type A zombies look like normal humans, however they cannot be in the light or they will slowly burn. They were people once human, who died and were brought back to life by a necromancer. Zombies are the walking dead and thus cannot die - ever. They never appear to age. They are physically strong though a little fragile. They do fail pain when injured, though the heal themselves over time even if decapitated.

Type B: Type B zombies are like zombies you see in horror movies. They ARE the dead, scary, creepy, slow and slow talkers as well. Hard to understand, not easy on the eyes.


Warrior: Warriors are all muscle, they often use two handed weapons and have a lot of brute strength but lack in defense.
Specialization choices: Sword master (Two handed quick attacker), Duelist (Booster of attack, but skills that lessen defense), Berserker (Boost in attack, agility, critical, and accuracy but lowers physical defense, magical defense, and dodge.)

Knight: Knights are often one handed fighters, they don't have as much power as warriors, but they usually wield shields which give more defense.
Specialization choices: Rune knight (Ability to imbue elements into weapons.)

Templar: Templars are pure tanks, with light healing abilities.
Specialization choices: Phalanx: (Enhanced healing and self support), Paladin (Enhanced defense and shield skills)

Warlock: Warlocks specialize in powerful AOE attacks, often slow casting but worth the wait.
Specialization choices: Illustionist (Ability to create illusions), Elementalist (Ability to control up to two elements - water, wind, fire, earth, lightning, darkness, light. Enhanced magic attack.), Elemental Lord (Ability to control the elements fire, water, wind, and earth - at the same time, though weaker than controlling one at a time. Enhanced attacking range.)

Sage: Sages are single target attackers, though with powerful skills. They also have light support skills they are able to learn as well.
Specialization choices: Monk (Powerful single target attacks with enhanced self defense), Dark Soul (Single target dark magic user)

Necromancer: Necromancers are able to conjure and control the dead, as well as speak to them.

Auramancer: Auramancers are able to control and manipulate auras of living people and creatures, this gives them the ability to manipulate moods, actions, speech, and to see peoples auras and moods as well.

Archer: Archers are masters of the bow and specialize in long ranged combat.
Specialization choices: Ranger (Learn dagger skills), Scout (Gain many aoe bow skills)

Gunner: Gunners are able to wield many types of guns for long range combat or close range combat.

Dancer: Dancers are support characters, whom also specialize in bows and whips. They do dances in which give buffs to their party members, sadly they cannot heal.

Soloists: Soloists are buffers and healers whose skills come from singing. Whenever they sing their skills come into play in AOE form. Unlike the cleric, their heals are not as strong.
Specialization choices: Muse (Stronger support aoes and more physical and magical defense), Mystic (Able to inflict damage with song, stronger magical attack), Siren (Able to lure and then cause status ailments to foes stronger physical defense)

Cleric: The best healers of Avalbane, and often the most sought after in a party.
Specialization choices: Witch doctors (Ability to leech life from others to heal people), Cardinal (Stronger heals and some holy attacks)

Prophet: The best buffers in Avalbane, sadly they cannot heal at all. Their buffs however are all single target.
Specialization choices: Saint (Powerful self targeted buffs and enhanced defense)

Shaman: Shamans summon totems in certain areas to cast magical spells or to buff nearby allies.

Thief: Thieves are known for their ability to steal - thieves are also known for their ability to steal skills from monsters and mimic them for a period of time.

Assassin: Assasins are known for their skills with blades - they can use any type of dagger, sword, or blade. They are often extremely fast and quick on their feet.

Entrapper: Entrappers specialize in traps and single dagger attacks.

Hybrids: People that tweak their class to work with different weapons, or create a style of their own, title themselves as Hybrid ________ <classname.

Rouges are people that have mastered more than one class, usually it is only two. These people have reached at least level seventy, and did a mid rebirth to fifty to level again with their other class abilities.


Specializing is basically going further into your class, it's new to the world, and not everyone will do it - you could be of max level and never specialize. It requires one to finish a grueling quest, multiple pvp tourneys, a clan war win, and be a certain level as well as having certain titles.
Am accepting suggestions for specializations.


Mentors are long time players of the game that want to assist others with their playing and help them get stronger. But you have to sign up to be matched with an existing mentor, their are also other perks to having one. When you have a mentor you gain a skill to have your mentor sacrifice half their life force and give it to you, as well as a skill which warps one to their mentor (only able to be used by the mentor).


Dragon (A): Those long long long skinny dragons o-o..
Dragon (B): Your typical dragon
Water dragon: (Only used for crossing bodies of water)
Snow/white tiger
Large lizard

Pets: I'll allow anything you can think of really, but they have to be smaller in size - such as that their size cannot exceed that of a mount.

Availability for levels:
(Will only allow a certain amount of higher levels)

Level 85-100: 2
Level 75+: 1
Level 50+ 3
Below 50 unlimited

Availability for rouges: 2
Availability for hybrids 3

Character Sheets

Real appearance: (Picture and description: anime only)


Level: (1 - 100)
Skills: (Learned skills from said class - higher the level, the more the skills, so be reasonable)
Abilities: (Some things they happen to be good at that aid them in the game - has nothing to do with class, magic, etc.)
Specialization: (Only three people will have specialized already!)

The breakdown: Must label everything from the following: [Very weak] [Weak] [Poor] [Fair] [Good] [Great] [Excellent]

Agility: (How fast they attack)
Speed: (How fast they move such as running/walking)
Block: (Must have shield)
Offensive magic:
Defensive magic:
Physical defense:
Magical defense:

Fighting style: (How do you look when you fight?)
Techniques: (Ways you tend to fight, skills you chain a lot, or physical fighting styles you know)

Most favorable trait:


Clan ranking: (Leader, co-leader, council member, member, junior member, recruit)
Clan title:
Clan reputation:
Lone title(s): (Title, has nothing to do with clan - must be earned through quests, hunts, or pvp)

Assist skill(s): (Pets can give you buffs or assist skills, what are they?)

Equipment: (May include LINKS to pictures. However include detailed descriptions - tell me EVERYTHING you are carrying and everything you use.)
Weilding: This is the weapons you have in hand - does not include extra weapons that may be stored on you somewhere.)

Biography: (Include home history andIlluminary history.)
Family: (Only if they play the game as well)
Friends: (Self explanatory)
Foes: (People you dislike)
Enemies/rivals: (Self explanatory)
Relationship status: (Single/taken/it's complicated etc..)
Love interest: (In love with/secretly in love with/dating/crushing on/lusting after/has eyes on..)


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Tax Increase Or Tax Relief: It Is Your Choice | Finance information

Pondering today?s current economy and the likelihood that capital gains and income tax rates will increase next year Ignites fear and confusion for countless numbers of Americans. For many taxpayers, the future appears to be downright frightful, resulting in a new wave of terror that strikes their hearts. They may even take an impaired view and see only one result when they read the letters I. .. R. .. and S. Have you ever noticed that the words ?The? and ?IRS? when coupled together spells ?Theirs??

The reality, though, is that those who view the current circumstances from this perspective are only victimizing themselves. The trick in Maintaining sanity during this time of economic upheaval and tax is to forget about what you can not control and focus on those things you can. The fact is you can manage your taxes and most likely win out in the end.

Solving Tax Problems and Gaining Greater Benefit

To illustrate, concerns about capital gains and other taxes may be troublesome. You may have owned an apartment building for several years and now would like to sell, relax and enjoy the equity and income benefits your hard work has earned you. Your CPA, however, has reported that you would be obligated to pay substantial capital gains taxes if you sold your property. What do many property owners do when they get this news? Unfortunately, they do nothing, except what their accountant of Themselves remind told them: ?Nothing can be done but to pay the taxes.? Right? WRONG!

Before you list your property for sale, it is important for you to learn what alternatives are available tax planning to meet your specific needs. If you search them out, you will discover that tax law does offer some pretty great solutions. You may, for example, be able to defer the taxes for up to 30 years or eliminate them entirely. If your mortgage is paid off to be greater than what your basis is for the property, you?ll learn that the taxes for ?debt relief? can be solved. And at close of escrow, you may find that it is possible to enjoy greater income than what you had by owning the property you sold. But you will never know unless you take charge of your circumstances and learn your options. You must become proactive and find out the right solutions for you. Here is what one experienced real estate investor:

Troubled about her real estate portfolio valued at $ 800,000, this 54-year old lady wanted to sell the properties, replace the income she received from the real estate and reduce her income taxes. She was stunned to learn, however, that, according to her CPA, she would be obligated to pay more than $ 200,000 in capital gains and other taxes if she sold her properties and little, if anything, could be done to lower her income taxes . Discouraged she, mentioned her concerns to a friend who suggested that she seek a second opinion diagnosis of her circumstances by a qualified tax advisor planning. She did this and was delighted to discover that her financial condition was thought far different that what her CPA had:

1 Rather than paying $ 200,000 in taxes when she sold her properties

, she would pay no taxes at all

2 Her income would

Significantly increase above what she was receiving by owning the properties.

3 Instead of paying excessive income taxes, she would receive on immediate refund of taxes that she unknowingly overpaid;


4 She discovered other tax-saving opportunities that she could take advantage of her CPA about what Which unfamiliar.

How could her CPA be wrong way? As is true of many accountants, he was never trained in the discipline of tax planning. In fact, according to CPAs with whom I have spoken, candidates for the Certified Public Accountant designation are not required to take courses to earn tax planning this title ? and most Thurs not bother doing so. Consequently, they can become very skilled Although in identifying tax problems, few of these professionals acquire the experience and know how to solve them. They can be viewed as being ?financial historians? who take what a client has done after-the-fact, filter that information through the required tax codes and generate, hopefully, to accurate tax return. This is great but it is not accounting tax planning. You are always better served when you meld together the advice of a trained professional tax planning with that of your accountant or CPA. If you want to find the most Appropriate resolution to your tax concerns, it is essential that First you learn what your true tax problem-is and then search out the most viable options available to eliminate, reduce or defer the taxes for the year of sale. After you identify potential solutions and understand how each can be tailored to your specific circumstances to meet your objectives, the step before implementation is to validate them under tax law through tax and load-independent legal authority. Following this approach will prepare you to be better informed on how best to approach the sale of your property and maximize your profit and income at close of escrow. Once this is done, you can confidently move forward to sell and then enjoy the benefits of the plan you implemented. Finding effective tax remedies can be more easily Achieved by following the advice of an experienced tax planning specialist who will guide you through a simple step-by-step process that works. Your tax advisor facilitates the tax-planning solutions, tax attorneys and your CPA or accountant jointly validate the solution you choose and its structure, and your real estate professional guides the sale of the property. It is a synergistic team effort that is focused on benefiting the most effective ways to you possible. Whatever the new tax laws might be, we all should prepare ourselves to take full advantage of them. How? By plotting out a common-sense approach to tax planning through Which We Can:

first Gain the foresight needed to confidently pay less in personal income taxes, and,

2nd Significantly reduce, defer or eliminate the capital gains, depreciation recapture and other taxes you would otherwise be isolated obligated to pay when you sell your appreciated real estate or other assets.

Here is the Good News? / strong>

Taxes can dramatically cut away at any chance for you to meet your financial goals successfully and objectives. It makes no difference how old you are, if you are working or now retired. If you earn enough money or want to sell appreciated assets as real estate search, you will probably be obligated to pay taxes. The good news is you have choices.

We have all learned from childhood that it is prudent to get a second opinion if we are diagnosed with a serious illness. Would not you agree that paying more in taxes than you are legally required is a serious threat to your financial health? If you have appreciated real estate or other assets that you would like to sell but are concerned about paying taxes, does not it make sense for you to learn what options are available to you to solve them? If you do, you will find out that you, too, have choices that can help Achieve Your Dreams In spite of a wavering economy and changing tax law. id=?article-resource?> .

Bruce Jones entered the financial services industry in 1970 and has taught the subjects of tax management and financial planning since 1974th He is President and Chief Executive Officer of TaxWealth, a tax advisory firm provides comprehensive tax Which solutions for owners of real estate, privately-owned businesses and other appreciated assets. In addition to serving its own clientele, TaxWealth supports CPAs, attorneys, financial advisors and real estate professionals in helping to solve their clients? tax problems.

Headquartered in Newport Beach, California, works with clients and professional TaxWealth affiliates nationally. You are invited to contact Mr. Jones toll-free at (800) 300-4723 (within U.S. states and Canada all available), otherwise at (949) 293-1250, and visit his company?s website at (please use Internet Explorer to view properly).

/ p> Article Source


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Friday, March 23, 2012

iD Tech Summer Camps for Kids and Teens

by Guest Blogger on March 22, 2012

iD Tech Camps asked to share some information about their Technology Camps for children and teens. The Camps offer several options to build technology skills.

If you have kids or teens who love gaming, programming, 3D modeling, photography, filmmaking, or pretty much anything else tech-related, iD Tech Camps and iD Teen Academies might have the perfect summer camp solution. Students ages 7-17 experience life on a college campus while creating iPhone apps, programs with C++ or Java, video games, websites, movies, 3D models, robots, and more. These weeklong, day and overnight programs are held at 60+ universities in 27 states including Stanford, Princeton, Emory, Northwestern, UCLA, Columbia, and others.

With small classes (guaranteed max 8:1) taught by adult-only instructors, iD emphasizes personalized instruction and hands-on learning. Students can also complement their summer experience by subscribing to ? an online learning community offering tutorials, forums, and video lessons. Plus, there are 2-week Teen options where ages 13-18 immerse in specialized, pre-college, overnight summer programs: iD Gaming Academy, iD Programming Academy, and iD Visual Arts Academy.

Visit for more information or call 1-888-709-TECH (8324) to speak to a Program Advisor who can recommend a customized summer schedule to develop a student?s interest.



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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Creating eBooks For Internet Marketing

In order to conduct successful ebook marketing make sure that you are aware with what is demanded by the online audiences about the product you are dealing in. It is necessary to carry out a survey in order to go through the likes and dislikes of the users. By taking all the points of the research into consideration you can ensure that your E-book will have very good demand in the market. Keep in mind that there will be no demand even for an excellent ebook if the viewers dislike the theme of the book. In any case, if the results from survey are not satisfactory, you can also make use of content writing related to your niche. By means of such a method you will get certain amount of people visiting you webpage; this will help in determining the requirement of your product by the people. Maybe one of the most challenging aspects of teaching others about business on the net is rank beginners do not know anything at all about it. An ebook or course pertaining to will necessarily have to skip a lot that is needed but not necessarily the subject of that book.

So you can easily see that it really can be dangerous to attempt some strategies until you are completely sure of what you are doing.

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Before moving to next step ensures that the e-book which you are creating is in command. Preparing a data chart should be the basic step which should be carried out by you to go ahead. Having this contest chart at your disposal can be helpful in creating an e-book which is highly presentable and also very correctly planned. For this purpose you can also appoint some trained writers to create your e-book. All you have to do is make a list of few points and give it to them. All web based businesses have certain characteristics that arise solely because it is the internet. Those who are experienced fully realize the net is a highly dynamic environment and much more than the offline, for the most part. Do not ever think anything on the web is guaranteed for life because events have shown otherwise. If Wealthy Affiliate is possibly something you can include with the way you promote, then that is a positive but think about what that could possibly mean in terms of the long term. You need to think long-term regarding methods, techniques and similar items to make sure the impact is favorable and will not put you on thin ice.

There are always two sides to any coin, and even though we urge caution we will also say to give something a shot if it is resonating with you enough.

This is because every reader would want to see something striking in your content. Also see to it that you use different areas on the webpage which usually attract the attention of the users. Yes, if you are thinking there has to be more to Carbon Copy Commissions than we have talked about, then you would be totally correct. One of the most powerful behaviors you can have is maintaining an open mind as it pertains to marketing and advertising. You have read about several new approaches, maybe new to you, and that combination is full of incredible new things for your business. Nothing beats experience, and that is the power of testing and giving something an honest shot. If you do not have the funds to buy courses and ebooks, then one solution is to join marketing and online business forums and do some background reading. It can get a little nerve wracking when you want to do something you have never tried before and are really feeling hesitant to squeeze the trigger on it. This is what forward-thinking business is all about, and that is the only way you can grow and expand.

The cover page should be as attractive as the content in it is. The cover of the book should be such that it not only grabs the attention of the user but also makes him/her stick to it. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to ensure that whatever content is present including the images, icons and the other hyperlinks are functioning properly.

When you feel that your e-book is ready to be distributed you can start creating hype around it. In case you wish to get the users back to your site you can offer e-book for free or by charging a less amount. You can certainly generate prospective customers to your web pages with good and attractive e-books.


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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Illinois Primary: Suburban Slog (The Note)

By MICHAEL FALCONE ( @michaelpfalcone ) and AMY WALTER ( @amyewalter )

CHICAGO - Turn on the television in Illinois and you know there is an election coming up. But travel around the Chicago suburbs and you don't see or feel any sign of it.

As we learned in our conversations with activists in the suburbs yesterday, this low energy could be problematic for Romney - who needs to run up the score in the collar counties surrounding Chicago.

More than 60 percent of the vote is expected to come from the 'burbs, while a much smaller portion of the vote comes from rural downstate. Suburban voters are typically less ideological and focused more on pocket book issues than social issues, something that should prove?right up Romney's alley.

Romney supporter state Rep. David Harris, who represents the Cook County suburb of Mt. Prospect, worries that Romney still hasn't been able to connect with skeptical conservative Republicans.

"I think Mitt Romney is just as conservative as Ronald Reagan - when Reagan said something, you kind of felt it's coming from his soul. You just know that's the way the guy feels," said Harris, whose office displays photos of his days as a Reagan campaign aide. "And while I believe that Mitt Romney is just as conservative and feels those same things, it just doesn't come across or get conveyed the same way."

Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran is one of those enthusiastic Santorum supporters who should worry the Romney camp. At a local tavern in leafy Long Grove, Curran, a former Democrat, denounced Romney as out of touch or, as he put it, "off in la-la-land."

"I think Romney travels in circles of only the uber-rich and as a result he has a hard time connecting with large blocks of America - certainly the middle class, which is very much overlooked right now," Curran said. "Santorum is being outspent?10-1, he is being destroyed in misleading ads, but he's still there. Why? Because when people meet him, they see he's the real deal, his authenticity."

There's little doubt that Romney has done an effective job trashing Santorum - Republican sources tracking ad buys show he's outspent the former Pennsylvania senator in the state by a 7 to 1 margin and in the Chicago metro area by a 20-1 margin. But, he has yet to prove that he's made an effective case for himself.

The only way to prove that: a big margin of victory.

ABC News' Matthew Jaffe contributed reporting from Illinois.



SANTORUM: Ahead of the primary in Illinois today, Rick Santorum pounded Mitt Romney throughout the day Monday arguing that he "abandoned freedom" as governor of Massachusetts, ABC's Arlette Saenz notes. But as he attempted to paint his campaign as one based on freedom, Santorum flubbed a comment about unemployment rates by saying "I don't care what the unemployment rate is."? When he made the comment, Santorum intended to stress that his campaign isn't focused on one main issue but looking at the broader goal of preserving freedom.? Santorum later attempted to clarify his statement to reporters by saying "of course" he was concerned about unemployment rates but that his "candidacy doesn't hinge" on them.? By the end of the day, Santorum said he sometimes wishes he could have a "do-over" but thinks it's important for voters to see an unscripted candidate like himself, "mistakes and all."

ROMNEY: Mitt Romney delivered an economic speech yesterday that slammed the president's handling of the economy, accusing him of allowing regulators to "multiple like rabbits" that have, in turn, stifled Americans' economic freedom, ABC's Emily Friedman reports. "Our status and our standing in the world are in peril because the source of our economic strength is threatened," Romney said, delivering a speech at the University of Chicago. "Over the last several decades, and particularly over the last three years, Washington has consistently encroached upon our freedom. "The Obama administration's assault on our economic freedom is the principal reason why the recovery has been so tepid, and why it couldn't meet their projections, let alone our expectations," he said. "If we don't change course now, this assault on freedom could damage our economy and the well-being of American families for decades to come."


SHOTS FIRED: ROMNEY AND GAS PRICES. Ahead of today's Illinois primary, the Democratic super PAC, American Bridge, has released a slick new web video exposing what the groups sees as Mitt Romney's inconsistency on the issue of gas prices - a new hot topic in the presidential race. The clip highlights differences between what Romney wrote in his 2010 book, "No Apology," and what he's been saying on the campaign trail this year. WATCH:


PRIMARY PRIMER. ABC's Elizabeth Hartfield identifies five important things to know going into today's primary.

1.) There's a hefty delegate prize: 69 delegates are at stake in Illinois. Only 54 of them will be allocated tonight, leaving an additional 15 delegates to be awarded at the state's convention in June.

2.) The popular vote won't affect the delegates awarded, which?might cause a problem for Rick Santorum: Illinois's primary is a bit complex as far as awarding delegates is concerned. The state holds a presidential preference vote, which determines the overall winner of the state. But the vote has no bearing on the allocation of the 54 delegates being doled out today. Instead, voters will directly elect delegates from a list of names on the ballot in their own congressional districts. This is a?disadvantage for Santorum. He failed to qualify for the ballot in four out of Illinois' 18 congressional districts, making him ineligible for a total of 10 delegates. So it will be difficult for him to win the majority of delegates today, regardless of who wins that statewide vote.

3.) Big money has been spent in the state: Romney and his allies have spent a lot of money on ad buys leading up to the March 20 primary - more than $3.5 million.? By comparison, Santorum has not spent nearly as much - only about $500,000.

4.) Any registered voter can participate: There are?8,282,924 registered voters in Illinois, all of whom could, technically, participate in the primary, provided they registered by March 13, and verbally confirm at their polling place that they are indeed a Republican.

5.) Lots of votes have already been cast: Voters in Illinois looking to cast ballots before today had a myriad of options from which to choose, and tabulations from the state elections board show they took advantage of the smorgasbord.

THE STAKES. ABC's Rick Klein writes that Santorum needs an upset today. He needs it to come in a big state, and fast, for him to change the dynamics of the race sufficiently for him to actually win.Why Illinois? For starters, it's next on a calendar that isn't particularly friendly to Santorum these next few weeks. After Louisiana votes this weekend, Maryland, Wisconsin, and the District of Columbia (where Santorum isn't even on the ballot) are up next, and will be tough for Santorum to break through in. Plus, voting in Illinois takes place as Santorum has something to prove. His decision to burn two gaffe-filled campaign days in Puerto Rico, where he secured just 8 percent of the vote and zero delegates yesterday, may stand as one of the biggest miscalculations of the election.



SANTORUM CAMPAIGN FLOATS NEW DELEGATE MATH SHOWING A TIGHTER RACE. Rick Santorum's number crunchers are under no illusions that they are facing a tooth-and-nail fight with Mitt Romney over delegates, but their calculations show a significantly narrower gap between the two contenders than most estimates. The Santorum campaign offered ABC News a sneak peek at their in-house delegate tally, which still shows the former Pennsylvania senator trailing Romney but in a much better position to catch him. "There is the Romney way of going about the counting and then there is the real way of going about the counting," John Yob, Santorum's delegate strategist, said in an interview on Monday.

Here's how the Santorum campaign sees the standings in the race for delegates:

Romney: 435

Santorum: 311

Gingrich: 158

Paul: 91

The Santorum campaign's version of the count puts them 124 delegates shy of Romney. By comparison, the ABC News delegate estimate shows Santorum 268 delegates behind Romney. Here is the ABC News delegate estimate, which tracks closely with tallied kept by other news organizations, including the Associated Press:

Romney: 521

Santorum: 253

Gingrich: 136

Paul: 50

Uncommitted: 2

KAREN SANTORUM: WOMEN HAVE 'NOTHING TO FEAR' FROM HER HUSBAND. Former senator and GOP candidate Rick Santorum often jokes that American voters prefer hearing more from his wife and less from him. ABC's Alexa Keyes notes that Karen Santorum heeded her husband's call last night for "less Rick, more Karen" on a solo interview with CNN's Piers Morgan. The 51-year-old mother of seven was interviewed on "Piers Morgan Tonight" before Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., who?recently took a jab at Santorum's contraception beliefs?(and the couple's large brood) when he joked that Santorum's Secret Service detail is the first time he has "used protection." "Sometimes you have to just laugh and other times you just shut it out and ignore it," Karen Santorum told Morgan. "But I thought that was funny." The neo-natal nurse and former law student also insisted her husband would not make changes to contraception laws if he becomes president. "Women have nothing to fear when it comes to contraceptives," she said, adding that her husband would "absolutely not" bring his personal religious beliefs "to play" as president.

ROMNEY RED ALERT. ABC's Jake Tapper spots a flashing red light for Mitt Romney. In the latest Quinnipiac University poll of Virginia not only does President Obama win head to head against Romney 50 percent to 42 percent in a hypothetical match up, but Obama leads among women 52 percent to 39 percent. Obama's favorables are 51 percent (favorable) 44 percent (unfavorable). Romney's are negative: 36 percent (favorable) 43 percent (unfavorable). It's more grist for the Obama argument that Romney is doing himself real damage in this primary.

SUPREME COURT TO HEAR HEALTH CARE CHALLENGE: WHAT TO EXPECT. Next week when the U.S. Supreme Court considers the constitutionality of the president's health care reform law and whether the government can require Americans to buy health insurance through a so-called "individual mandate" there will be six hours of arguments featuring six different lawyers over three days, ABC's Ariane de Vogue notes. That's a marathon by Supreme Court standards. Most cases are heard over a single day and rarely for longer than an hour. For starters, the court will allow audio recording of the proceedings. This is rare, but not unprecedented, and is usually reserved for big cases. The first time the court permitted audio recording was during Bush v. Gore in 2000. But don't expect a live feed of the case. And handheld devices aren't allowed in the court either, so there won't be any Tweeting of the arguments as they're happening. Audio and court transcripts will be turned around after arguments same day. Supporters and opponents of the law have extensive plans for reaction outside of court. Here's a brief look at the schedule and the issues:


@mckaycoppins : The secret of Mitt's success - blue states, Mormon bastions, and U.S. territories that can't vote in November?

@BuzzFeedBen : The secret of Obama's success was red states, territories, African-American strongholds? nature of the process, to a degree at least.

@RyanLizza : Love that Gingrich is reading Ballots & Bandwagons, a 1964 book about 5 historic brokered conventions b/w 1900 & 1956.

@googlepolitics : Watch the 1st in a series of GOP presidential candidate hangouts on Google+ w/? @MittRomney?at 2:45 PM ET? #AskMitt

@brianstelter : NYT "will be moving the pay gate at? 10 free articles a month from 20, beginning in April," publisher tells staff.



by ABC's Chris Good

-Romney Avoids Mentioning Santorum. Campaigning in Illinois ahead of today's primary, Mitt Romney has repeatedly avoided mentioning his opponent, instead framing his stump speeches around the general election against President Obama. The Rock Island Argus reports that on Monday, Romney failed to mention Santorum's name during a 10-minute speech in Springfield and "hardly talked about" the state's primary.

-Santorum vs. Wall Street. Since early in the 2012 race, Rick Santorum has pitched his electability against President Obama, highlighting his rust-belt background as a former Pennsylvania senator. On Monday, he put it differently in attacking his rival during a speech in Rockford, Ill.: "I'm not a Wall Street financier like [Romney] was ? Do you think this country wants to elect a Wall Street financier?"

-Santorum Visits Reagan's Hometown. Santorum used his last bit of time before Tuesday's primary to visit Dixon, Ill., where Ronald Reagan attended high school. "I need you to rise up and speak loudly from the place of freedom here in Dixon, Illinois," the Chicago Sun-Times quotes Santorum as saying. "Let the voice of Reagan be heard across this land."

-Romney Picks Up an Endorsement in Louisiana. Having enjoyed establishment-GOP backing in multiple primary states so far, Mitt Romney picked up the endorsement of Louisiana Lt. Gov. Jay Dardenne (R) on Monday, ahead of Saturday's primary. "Conservatives looking to win in November and replace President Obama's failed policies with a pro-growth agenda should look no further than Mitt Romney," Dardenne said. Gov. Bobby Jindal supported Rick Perry's presidential bid.



- Mitt Romney starts primary day with a visit to Google Headquarters in Chicago, IL. This evening, Romney will watch the returns at the Renaissance Hotel in Schaumberg, IL.

- Rick Santorum spends the day back home in Virginia before heading to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania for his election night party at the Gettysburg Hotel.

- Newt Gingrich is on the trail in Louisiana ahead of their Saturday Primary. Gingrich will make stops in Shreveport, Ruston, and Monroe.

- Ron Paul is out west in California attending a luncheon at the Los Angeles Marriott Burbank Airport and making an appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

-ABC's Josh Haskell (@HaskellBuzz)

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High Blood Pressure Information - Free fitness article, health news ...

High Blood Pressure
In medical terms Also called: HBP, HTN and Hypertension

Blood pressure was categorized into two basic groups, systolic pressure and diastolic pressure.

Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against artery walls. Every time your heart beats, it pumps out blood into the arteries. The higher your blood pressure when your heart beats, pumping more blood. This is called systolic pressure. When your heart is at rest, between beats, your blood pressure down. This is the diastolic pressure.

High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure

Hypertension is a major risk factor for stroke, myocardial infarction (heart attack), heart failure, vascular aneurysm, peripheral arterial disease and a cause of chronic kidney disease. Even moderate elevation of arterial blood pressure was associated with shortened life expectancy.

Your blood pressure using two numbers, systolic and diastolic pressures. Usually they are written one above or before others. A reading of

  • 120/80 or lower is normal blood pressure
  • 140/90 or higher is high blood pressure
  • Between 120 and 139 for the top number, or between 80 and 89 for the bottom number is prehypertension
blood vessel

blood vessel

High blood pressure usually does not follow the initial symptoms, but can cause serious problems such as stroke, heart attack heart failure and kidney failure. The proper way to control high blood pressure is to make healthy lifestyle habits and of course the drugs that your doctor has instructed, if necessary.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

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It is not enough to simply build and install storage cabinets to have a n organized garage and finally have enough floor space for your car. You need to be sure you will install the right garage storage cabinets, as well. Choosing among all available storage solutions can be a little overwhelming however, especially if you will do this home improvement project for the first time. But there are a few things you can consider which can help you with the decision making. First of all, you need to consider the budget you have for these cabinets. So remember to set a budget prior to shopping around so you?ll have an idea what type of cabinets you can consider. This helps you get the storage cabinets you need at prices you can easily afford.

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How to Grow Your Email List in Unusual Ways | Internet Marketing ...

Home ? Internet marketing

Written By: Carrol Hogan?on?March 18, 2012 No Comment

Building an email list is a proven strategy for creating a sustainable online business with repeat customers. Compared to website or blog visitors, your mailing list is a much warmer market, as you know that everyone on it has gone out of their way to sign up. Assuming that you?re convinced that having a list is important, what are the most efficient methods for growing your email list? List building can take many forms, and there are many creative methods that aren?t used very often. In this article we are going to teach a few of those methods to you.

Create a special club just for people who sign up for your email list. You can give them list-specific discounts on purchases and products. It?s always a good policy to send birthday greetings and gifts, so be sure to capture that info. It only takes a little creativity to think of ways to make your list seem interesting and worthwhile. A club is something many people will want to join, which will make it easy to get sign-ups for your list. Many people are drawn to clubs that give them special privileges. Play on that need and use it to build your email list.

Don?t ignore the potential of standard mail. We do so much business online these days that we often forget that there is a whole wide world out there where people still do business face to face and with actual physical products. Consider sending any piece of mail directly to your customers, like a postcard or a flier. Another option is to send prospects a general mailer with your services. There are many approaches to achieve this. Simply ensure the URL of your site is featured on the material and watch as your list grows as more and more people want to obtain what you mail out.

Offer to send a free gift directly to people who have signed up for your list. This isn?t the same as many giveaways. Most people receive a free eBook or report or something digital as an incentive when they sign up for a list.

Business cards are mainly used to drive traffic to sites and the site is used to convince visitors to subscribe. Why not skip that step? Business cards have plenty of space available on them. You could entice people with a special offer on the back for those who subscribe to your list. Discounts on future purchases, gifts, contest entries and more are just a few of the things you can use to entice them with. This approach will allow you to increase the number of people signing up but it?s also a good way to identify where those subscribers are coming from. Go to niche-centric trade shows. With a clipboard in hand, meet people and connect with them and then ask them to subscribe. This method allows you to grow your network and your list of subscribers concurrently. Some show organizers might not be too pleased that you don?t have a booth, yet are still trying to do business, so be careful. You?ll be expanding your email list as well as the one with real-world contacts concurrently if the organizers are okay with it. Host an event for other local business owners that relate to your niche. Such events can be organized at any location. You can rent virtually any space, from an art gallery to a retail establishment. Sell tickets to the event if you want to recover the money you paid for renting the place. Make sure that there?s an opt-in sheet at the entrance and make attendance free if you really want to see your list grow. If your "sign in" sheet coincides with your "sign up" sheet, you?ll get even more subscribers. There are many ways for you to create and grow an email list. Why not let your imagination run wild? If one idea proves less than effective, then you can simply replace it with another strategy. You want a list of people who like your ideas and want more from you, including to buy your products. This is where your real profits will come from. So get out there and get to work!

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