Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How to Grow Your Email List in Unusual Ways | Internet Marketing ...

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Written By: Carrol Hogan?on?March 18, 2012 No Comment

Building an email list is a proven strategy for creating a sustainable online business with repeat customers. Compared to website or blog visitors, your mailing list is a much warmer market, as you know that everyone on it has gone out of their way to sign up. Assuming that you?re convinced that having a list is important, what are the most efficient methods for growing your email list? List building can take many forms, and there are many creative methods that aren?t used very often. In this article we are going to teach a few of those methods to you.

Create a special club just for people who sign up for your email list. You can give them list-specific discounts on purchases and products. It?s always a good policy to send birthday greetings and gifts, so be sure to capture that info. It only takes a little creativity to think of ways to make your list seem interesting and worthwhile. A club is something many people will want to join, which will make it easy to get sign-ups for your list. Many people are drawn to clubs that give them special privileges. Play on that need and use it to build your email list.

Don?t ignore the potential of standard mail. We do so much business online these days that we often forget that there is a whole wide world out there where people still do business face to face and with actual physical products. Consider sending any piece of mail directly to your customers, like a postcard or a flier. Another option is to send prospects a general mailer with your services. There are many approaches to achieve this. Simply ensure the URL of your site is featured on the material and watch as your list grows as more and more people want to obtain what you mail out.

Offer to send a free gift directly to people who have signed up for your list. This isn?t the same as many giveaways. Most people receive a free eBook or report or something digital as an incentive when they sign up for a list.

Business cards are mainly used to drive traffic to sites and the site is used to convince visitors to subscribe. Why not skip that step? Business cards have plenty of space available on them. You could entice people with a special offer on the back for those who subscribe to your list. Discounts on future purchases, gifts, contest entries and more are just a few of the things you can use to entice them with. This approach will allow you to increase the number of people signing up but it?s also a good way to identify where those subscribers are coming from. Go to niche-centric trade shows. With a clipboard in hand, meet people and connect with them and then ask them to subscribe. This method allows you to grow your network and your list of subscribers concurrently. Some show organizers might not be too pleased that you don?t have a booth, yet are still trying to do business, so be careful. You?ll be expanding your email list as well as the one with real-world contacts concurrently if the organizers are okay with it. Host an event for other local business owners that relate to your niche. Such events can be organized at any location. You can rent virtually any space, from an art gallery to a retail establishment. Sell tickets to the event if you want to recover the money you paid for renting the place. Make sure that there?s an opt-in sheet at the entrance and make attendance free if you really want to see your list grow. If your "sign in" sheet coincides with your "sign up" sheet, you?ll get even more subscribers. There are many ways for you to create and grow an email list. Why not let your imagination run wild? If one idea proves less than effective, then you can simply replace it with another strategy. You want a list of people who like your ideas and want more from you, including to buy your products. This is where your real profits will come from. So get out there and get to work!

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Tags: Internet marketing

Source: http://articles.buildabetterbusinessonline.com/how-to-grow-your-email-list-in-unusual-ways/

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