Sunday, March 3, 2013

Saturday, March 2, 2013 - Family Home and Life: Grandparent's Say ...

Good morning! Well the world seems all shiny ?and bright today....I'm not sick!! And no one is lost :) I am busier than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs and toddlers though. I thought life would be a lot slower during these years than it is. How about you, are you super busy or have you slowed down a bit?

It was a busy week with the grand kids too. My second oldest has wanted a hot air balloon ride since she was tiny and got her wish for her sixth birthday. She wasn't a bit afraid, but then after you have?flown as an angel?dangling from wires I guess a balloon ride isn't that different! That's Lake Pleasant there in the distance. Kc you would have loved it!?
It was Daddy daughter dance this last week. I am one proud mama/grandma of those two!Such a fun and affirming night for girls. Doesn't my grand daughter look like her daddy? ??

We have celebrated the last birthday (of what I call birthday season) for about 3 weeks before another birthday rolls around. That's about as long as we go without a birthday party around here. I actually stuffed money in a birthday card last week, a very rare thing for me to do because I always make something. But I am running out of time left and right. I need to clone myself or become twins....or have the energy Joyce has ;)?

This month I am celebrating my blog?anniversary?and I would like to have some guest posters from the grandma bloggers; anyone interested? It is last minute I know but if you would like to write a post, please send me an email.Thanks for stopping by today! Love you guys!

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This is a link up for older bloggers; but you don't need to be a grandparent to link up.?Link up to three post, not to your home page, and link that back to Family Home and Life. While you are here I hope you will visit the other linkers and come back to see who links up later. We all love comments! No Etsy shops or giveaways please. This link closes on Monday night.?

Be sure to visit Lisa at?Grandma's Briefs?to join her linky, GRAND Social, on Mondays. Thank you for linking up with me!

If you are reading this post anywhere else but at Family Home and Life then it was used without permission! Please report it! Copyright ? Family Home and Life 2010-2013 All Rights Reserved


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