Monday, May 28, 2012

'Business In' Networking Group *UPDATE* | Marketing, Money and ...

May 27th, 2012 | by James Burchill |

Do you know the #1 question I am asked about the networking groups I?ve created?

?So James, how?s this making you money??

I must admit, I never realized you all cared so much about my financial well-being. But seriously, I think it?s time I explained things, then you can stop worrying ;-)

Here goes ?

*** In the beginning ***

I simply wanted to do something good for local businesses. I had the means, the resources and the intention to do something different. I also felt that traditional networking was broken. Finally, I wanted to create a positive platform that would showcase me as well as you. That was it. Nothing too complex.

Then things evolved. I took the network into the real world. I actually committed more resources to the project and spent money on advertising, equipment and so on. Not boat-loads of cash, but enough to make me develop a plan to generate revenue at a future date.

Once this shift happened it occurred to me the networking model I?d built around the fusion of social media, traditional marketing and face-to-face networking had real value. So I took all my notes, all my designs (you?d be amazed at what goes on behind the scenes of these monthly networking meetings) and formalized it into a business plan.

*** Networked Networks ***

I imagined a local business networking group of networks. All connected, all cross promoting and all humming along like the well-oiled machine we?d built in Burlington. To test the theory we launched Oakville. I?ll tell you the back-story to that one day, but for now I simply wanted to begin expanding and keeping the momentum and positive vibe that surrounded us.

The business model is simple, develop and launch one network after another into nearby towns and cities. To date we have 15 lined up. The core philosophy is also simple: no attendee has to pay to network at our events. Sure, all costs still exist, however YOU and other networking attendees should not have to pay them.

*** Free to Network ***

I built the model so the costs were moved around the ledger and someone else ? namely a sponsor or partner ? would carry them instead of you. It?s a tried-and-true model from publishing: advertisers and sponsors pay the freight in exchange for exposure and promotional messages to you. No event fees. No annual dues. No problem.

So now I?m guessing you?re thinking ? ooh, this means there are opportunities to get preferential placement and other messages out to your fellow network members, and you?d be right. To date I?ve kept a lid on it because we wanted to ensure there was value and traction.

If you?d like to know what advertising and promotional options exist let me know. I can tell you they include messaging via our various channels (both traditional and new media) and there?s even the opportunity to sponsor a networking group for a calendar month.

*** New Networking Subgroups ***

Oh yes, before I forget, there?s something new coming ? networking subgroups.

Many of you said you?d like to attend smaller groups in addition to the large free monthly meetings. We?re working on it and will reach out in the coming weeks to get your feedback on the subgroups you?d like created, and we will develop a program that works for you. Please note, the subgroups will be smaller (15-30 people), allow for 1-2 minute intros, include a guest speaker and other focused benefits.

And finally ?

*** Partnership Expansion ***

How would you like to partner with me on the rollout of the other various networking groups? Imagine what you could do with your very own ?Business In Burlington? like networking group in your town or nearby city. What value do you think you?d get from having access to hundreds of local businesses every month? What do you think it would do to your reputation as an expert, how much positive branding would you experience?

It?s amazingly valuable ? and building it takes a lot of hard work, determination and effort?

Or not. Permit me to explain ;-)

*** Turnkey Operation ***

What would you say if I offered to build the next networking group (like we did here in Burlington and currently underway in Oakville) manage the monthly operations, market and advertise your events, gave you full training and support, and put you front and centre so YOU were the President of your own group? Did I mention we do all the work ? you just show up and do your thing.

Think instant networking group ? just add YOU. Of course, this is an exclusive offer (we only develop one network per town/location) and I?m not going to partner with just anyone. Yes there is a monthly fee for this service, but it?s currently less than a ? page advert in a local newspaper and frankly that?s a fraction of what this program will eventually sell for.

If you?re serious about this powerful form of business development, get in touch with me through my office and let?s talk.

OK, that?s a lot to digest ? thanks for hanging in there.

James Burchill, CEO

Business Fusion Marketing

+1.888.588.9428 x101

Related posts:

  1. The Biggest Business Networking Group in Burlington
  2. April 4th Business in Burlington Networking Update
  3. March 7th Business In Burlington Meetup *UPDATE*
  4. Online Social Networking vs In-Person Networking [Infographic]
  5. InsideHalton Article: Alternative networking model for local businesses

Tags: b2b networking, bib, burlington networking group, networking

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