Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Long-Lost Continent Found under the Indian Ocean

beaches of Mauritius The beaches of Mauritius contain fragments of a type of rock typical of ancient continental crust ? rock which could have been brought to the surface by volcanic eruptions. Image:!/image/HIRES%2042-32415022%20reduced.jpg

The drowned remnants of an ancient microcontinent may lie scattered beneath the waters between Madagascar and India, a new study suggests.

Evidence for the long-lost land comes from Mauritius, a volcanic island about 900 kilometers east of Madagascar. The oldest basalts on the island date to about 8.9 million years ago, says Bj?rn Jamtveit, a geologist at the University of Oslo. Yet grain-by-grain analyses of beach sand that Jamtveit and his colleagues collected at two sites on the Mauritian coast revealed around 20 zircons ? tiny crystals of zirconium silicate that are exceedingly resistant to erosion or chemical change ? that were far older.

The zircons had crystallized within granites or other igneous rocks at least 660 million years ago, says Jamtveit. One of these zircons was at least 1.97 billion years old.

Jamtveit and his colleagues suggest that rocks containing the wayfaring zircons originated in ancient fragments of continental crust located beneath Mauritius. They propose that geologically recent volcanic eruptions brought shards of the crust to Earth?s surface, where the zircons eroded from their parent rocks to pepper the island?s sands. The team's work is published today in Nature Geoscience.

Crustal remains
The paper also suggests that not just one but many fragments of continental crust lie beneath the floor of the Indian Ocean. Analyses of Earth?s gravitational field reveal several broad areas where sea-floor crust is much thicker than normal ? at least 25 to 30 kilometers thick, rather than the normal 5 to 10 kilometers.

Those crustal anomalies may be the remains of a landmass that the team has dubbed Mauritia, which they suggest split from Madagascar when tectonic rifting and sea-floor spreading sent the Indian subcontinent surging northeast millions of years ago. Subsequent stretching and thinning of the region?s crust sank the fragments of Mauritia, which together had comprised an island or archipelago about three times the size of Crete, the researchers estimate.

The team chose to collect sand, rather than pulverize local rocks, to ensure that zircons inadvertently trapped in rock-crushing equipment from previous studies did not contaminate their fresh samples. The nearest known outcrop of continental crust that could have produced the Mauritian zircons is on Madagascar, far across a deep sea, Jamtveit notes. Furthermore, the zircons came from Mauritian sites so remote that it is unlikely that humans carried them there.

?There?s no obvious local source for these zircons,? says Conall Mac Niocaill, a geologist at the University of Oxford, UK, who was not involved in the research.

Also, it does not seem as if the zircons rode to Mauritius on the wind, says Robert Duncan, a marine geologist at Oregon State University in Corvallis. ?There?s a remote possibility that they were wind blown, but they?re probably too large to have done so,? he adds.

Other ocean basins worldwide may well host similarly submerged remains of ?ghost continents?, Mac Niocaill notes in an accompanying News & Views article. Only detailed surveys of the ocean floor, including geochemical analyses of their rocks, will reveal whether the splintered and now submerged Mauritia has any long-lost cousins, he suggests.

This article is reproduced with permission from the magazine Nature. The article was first published on February 24, 2013.


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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Indie Android Console OUYA Has Over 481 Confirmed Games

OUYA has over 481 confirmed games.

If there's one thing clear about the next console generation, it's that the Big Three may not be enjoying their position on high for much longer. Kickstarter darling OUYA and Valve's Steam Box both focus on a console experience that is no longer quite as locked down as it once was. With Valve's position as a digital service provider sealed with Steam, the company's in a great position to launch a console and provide it ample software support. Despite OUYA's sterling array of personnel, it's a new and untested company. Though its Kickstarter was a roaring success, the crowdfunding site is no guarantee for success. Good software support is a key factor in swaying customers onto a console, something that's rather up in the air for a new console developer. Plenty of indie console developers in the past have done the same song and dance, only to have their projects fail miserably because they fail to woo software developers.

With OUYA's impending release, software support will be key. The Android-based console's already landed Robert Bowling and Robotoki's post-apocalyptic Human Element, but one triple-A developed title is hardly going to be the swaying factor. An OUYA forum member compiled a list of confirmed games for the console, and the list clocks in at 481 titles. Most are unknown games, but there are a few gems such as AirMech, Double Fine Adventure, and Final Fantasy III. Hawken, Fatal Theory, Canabalt, among other titles, are still rumored for an OUYA release. Still, getting 481 titles onto a console for launch is no small feat, and the list will only grow as OUYA's release date gets closer.?


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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Quantum algorithm breakthrough: Performs a true calculation for the first time

Feb. 24, 2013 ? An international research group led by scientists from the University of Bristol, UK, and the University of Queensland, Australia, has demonstrated a quantum algorithm that performs a true calculation for the first time. Quantum algorithms could one day enable the design of new materials, pharmaceuticals or clean energy devices.

The team implemented the 'phase estimation algorithm' -- a central quantum algorithm which achieves an exponential speedup over all classical algorithms. It lies at the heart of quantum computing and is a key sub-routine of many other important quantum algorithms, such as Shor's factoring algorithm and quantum simulations.

Dr Xiao-Qi Zhou, who led the project, said: "Before our experiment, there had been several demonstrations of quantum algorithms, however, none of them implemented the quantum algorithm without knowing the answer in advance. This is because in the previous demonstrations the quantum circuits were simplified to make it more experimentally feasible. However, this simplification of circuits required knowledge of the answer in advance. Unlike previous demonstrations, we built a full quantum circuit to implement the phase estimation algorithm without any simplification. We don't need to know the answer in advance and it is the first time the answer is truly calculated by a quantum circuit with a quantum algorithm."

Professor Jeremy O'Brien, director of the Centre for Quantum Photonics at the University of Bristol said: "Implementing a full quantum algorithm without knowing the answer in advance is an important step towards practical quantum computing. It paves the way for important applications, including quantum simulations and quantum metrology in the near term, and factoring in the long term."

The research is published in Nature Photonics.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Bristol.

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Journal Reference:

  1. Xiao-Qi Zhou, Pruet Kalasuwan, Timothy C. Ralph, Jeremy L. O'Brien. Calculating unknown eigenvalues with a quantum algorithm. Nature Photonics, 2013; DOI: 10.1038/nphoton.2012.360

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Report: Chile's Pinochet wanted anti-vote violence

FILE - In this 1974 file photo, Chilean dictator Gen. Augusto Pinochet speaks at an informal press conference in Santiago, Chile. Newly declassified U.S. documents indicate that Pinochet planned to use violence to annul the referendum that ended his brutal regime in 1988. The formerly secret documents posted by the independent U.S. National Security Archive on Friday, Feb. 22, 2013 showed U.S. officials warning Chilean leaders against violence if Pinochet tried to use force to stay in power if people voted against eight more years of his rule. They also show U.S. officials and agencies backed the anti-Pinochet campaign portrayed in the Oscar-nominated film "No," even though the U.S. government also had tried to undermine the socialist government Pinochet had overthrown. (AP Photo, File)

FILE - In this 1974 file photo, Chilean dictator Gen. Augusto Pinochet speaks at an informal press conference in Santiago, Chile. Newly declassified U.S. documents indicate that Pinochet planned to use violence to annul the referendum that ended his brutal regime in 1988. The formerly secret documents posted by the independent U.S. National Security Archive on Friday, Feb. 22, 2013 showed U.S. officials warning Chilean leaders against violence if Pinochet tried to use force to stay in power if people voted against eight more years of his rule. They also show U.S. officials and agencies backed the anti-Pinochet campaign portrayed in the Oscar-nominated film "No," even though the U.S. government also had tried to undermine the socialist government Pinochet had overthrown. (AP Photo, File)

(AP) ? Newly published U.S. documents indicate that Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet sought to use military force to annul the referendum portrayed in the Oscar-nominated film "NO" that ended his brutal regime. The plan was rejected by his fellow generals, the papers say.

The formerly top-secret documents posted by the independent U.S. National Security Archive on Friday also show U.S. officials warning Chilean leaders against violence if Pinochet tried to use force to stay in power.

Pinochet "planned to do whatever was necessary to stay in power" just a day before the Oct. 5, 1988, referendum, according to a Defense Intelligence Agency document based on information from a Chilean air force officer.

"Pinochet reportedly told advisors: 'I'm not leaving, no matter what,'" the document said.

The documents also show that U.S. officials and agencies backed the anti-Pinochet campaign, even though the U.S. government had worked to undermine the socialist administration of President Salvador Allende that Pinochet overthrew in a 1973 coup and initially supported the new regime.

The papers portray Pinochet as furious after the vote results.

In a last attempt to retain power, the strongman who once compared himself to the greatest Roman emperors asked the members of the military junta to meet in his office in the presidential palace at 1:00 AM," says a report by the Defense Department titled: "Chile: plebiscite goes forward as Pinochet apparently loses."

A CIA source at the meeting describes Pinochet as being "nearly apoplectic" about the results.

"Pinochet was prepared on the night of 5 Oct to overthrow the results of the plebiscite," an informant said in a report by the State Department titled: "Chilean junta meeting the night of plebiscite."

Pinochet had a document prepared for other generals to sign and "spoke of using the extraordinary powers to have the armed forces seize the capital," says one of the reports by the Defense Department.

But even his closest allies said no. The air force commander, Gen. Fernando Matthei, "told Pinochet he would under no circumstances agree to such a thing ... Pinochet then turned to the others and made the same request and was turned down."

Losing all backing to overthrow the plebiscite, Pinochet accepted his defeat.

The lead-up to that decision is depicted in "NO," which is up for an Academy Award as best-foreign language film on Sunday. The Chilean film is based on the publicity campaign that helped oust Pinochet and return Chile to democracy.

The general ruled Chile from 1973 to 1990. He died under house arrest, without ever being tried, despite charges of illegal enrichment and human rights violations.

"We negotiated with him because we were never able to judge him and Pinochet died a free man and a millionaire," said Pablo Larrain, director of "NO," in an interview last month with The Associated Press.

The film's July premiere in Santiago unsettled many audiences because Chile remains deeply divided over Pinochet's regime.

He shut down Congress, outlawed political parties and forced thousands of dissidents into exile, while his police tortured and killed thousands more.

But loyalists saw him as a fatherly figure who oversaw Chile's growth into economic prosperity and kept it from becoming a failed socialist state.

"Given the entrenched and violent nature of Pinochet's dictatorship, the No Campaign's victory is all the more dramatic," said Peter Kornbluh, author of "The Pinochet File: A Declassified Dossier on Atrocity and Accountability."

Forty years after the coup, Kornbluh said, "It is not only important to remember how he took power, but was forced to relinquish it."


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Cardinal accused of aiding pedophiles will vote on next pope, says he?s scapegoat, like Jesus (Americablog)

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

10 Things to Know for Today

Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius stands in the dock during his bail hearing at the magistrates court in Pretoria, South Africa, Friday, Feb. 22, 2013. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius stands in the dock during his bail hearing at the magistrates court in Pretoria, South Africa, Friday, Feb. 22, 2013. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

In this photo taken on Feb. 5, 2013, a Brown Tree Snake is held by U.S. Department of Agriculture wildlife specialist Tony Salas outside his office on Andersen Air Force Base on the island of Guam. The U.S. government is planning to drop toxic mice from helicopters to battle the snakes, an invasive species that has decimated Guam's native bird population and could cause billions of dollars of damage if allowed to spread to Hawaii. (AP Photo/Eric Talmadge)

Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about today:


The magistrate will rule if the double-amputee athlete can be freed before trial or if he has to remain in custody over the shooting death of his girlfriend.


The sentence comes in an Illinois court after the ex-cop angrily denies killing his third wife.


Symptoms include deep shame, guilt and rage from having done something, or failed to stop something that violates their moral code.


Morsi's call for 4-stage parliamentary balloting comes against the backdrop of a divided country.


This year's vaccine is proving startlingly ineffective in protecting older Americans ? the most vulnerable age group.


A major snowstorm promises a messy Upper Midwest commute after shuttering Missouri airports and blanketing Kansas.


The recent downsizing is most pronounced at the state and local levels on payroll, equipment, buildings and other core functions.


Police hunt for a Range Rover that set off the fiery crash that left 3 people killed.


Dead mice laced with the active ingredient in Tylenol to be unleashed in Guam's jungle canopy to fight the brown tree snake.


Users scan their fingers with a device that recognizes their prints and detects hemoglobin in the blood at two South Dakota campus shops.

Associated Press


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It?s Official: Federal Employees Do $155 Million in Union Work

How does that Dire Straits song go? "That ain't working. That's the way you do it. Get your money for nothing and your chicks for free."

But when it comes to getting union work out of federal employees, it ain't free for the U.S. taxpayer.?

Federal employees performing union work while on the clock at their government jobs cost the U.S. taxpayer more than $155 million in 2011, according to the newest report from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). This is a 12% increase from 2010 and the highest in any year since the OPM started to collect the data voluntarily in 2002.

All told, it adds up to a staggering 3.4 million total hours spent on so-called ?official time,? a practice which lets government officials do work for unions while being paid by the taxpayer.

Sean Higgins at The Washington Examiner?notes?that although these numbers are higher than recent years, it is still less than the peak of 4.7 million hours in 2002.

Official time isn?t just a problem at the federal level, but also at the municipal or state government level. In Arizona, lawmakers have introduced several bills to restrict public-employee unions, including Senate Bill 1348, which would prohibit a public employee from doing union activities during paid work time.

Sen. Kelli Ward, R-Lake Havasu City, defended the bills. ?I don?t think there is an attack on public-sector unions,? she said. ?When dealing with our money and taxpayer money, that?s when we need to put some brakes on.?

[H/t ?LaborUnionReport at?Redstate]


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Vatican blasts media for 'false' reports

VATICAN CITY (AP) ? The Vatican lashed out Saturday at the media for what it said has been a run of defamatory and false reports before the conclave to elect Pope Benedict XVI's successor, saying they were an attempt to influence the election.

Italian newspapers have been rife with unsourced reports in recent days about the contents of a secret dossier prepared for the pope by three cardinals who investigated the origins of the 2012 scandal over leaked Vatican documents.

The reports have suggested the revelations in the dossier, given to Benedict in December, were a factor in his decision to resign. The pope himself has said merely that he doesn't have the "strength of mind and body" to carry on and would resign Feb. 28.

On Saturday, a day before Benedict's final Sunday blessing in St. Peter's Square, the Vatican secretariat of state said the Catholic Church has for centuries insisted on the independence of its cardinals to freely elect their pope ? a reference to episodes in the past when kings and emperors vetoed papal contenders or prevented cardinals from voting outright.

"If in the past, the so-called powers, i.e., States, exerted pressures on the election of the pope, today there is an attempt to do this through public opinion that is often based on judgments that do not typically capture the spiritual aspect of the moment that the church is living," the statement said.

"It is deplorable that as we draw closer to the time of the beginning of the conclave ... that there be a widespread distribution of often unverified, unverifiable or completely false news stories that cause serious damage to persons and institutions."

Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi was asked how specifically the media was trying to influence the outcome; Lombardi didn't respond directly, saying only that the reports have tended to paint the Curia in a negative light "beyond the considerations and serene evaluations" of problems that cardinals might discuss before the conclave.

Some Vatican watchers have speculated that because the Vatican bureaucracy is heavily Italian, cardinals might be persuaded to elect a non-Italian, non-Vatican-based cardinal as pope to try to impose some reform on the Curia.

While Lombardi has said the reports "do not correspond to reality," the pope and some of his closest collaborators have recently denounced the dysfunction in the Apostolic Palace.

Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, for example, criticized the "divisions, dissent, careerism, jealousies" that afflict the Vatican bureaucracy. He made the comments Friday, the penultimate day of the Vatican's weeklong spiritual exercises that were attended by the pope and other officials. Ravasi, himself a papal contender, was chosen by Benedict to deliver daily meditations and on Saturday Benedict praised him for his "brilliant" work.

The divisions Ravasi spoke of were exposed by the documents taken from the pope's study by his butler and then leaked by a journalist. The documents revealed the petty wrangling, corruption and cronyism and even allegations of a gay plot at the highest levels of the Catholic Church.

The three cardinals who investigated the theft had wide-ranging powers to interview even cardinals to get to the bottom of the dynamics within the Curia that resulted in the gravest Vatican security breach in modern times.

Benedict too has made reference to the divisions in recent days, deploring in his final Mass as pope on Ash Wednesday how the church is often "defiled" by attacks and divisions from within. Last Sunday, he urged its members to overcome "pride and egoism."

On Saturday, in his final comments to the Curia, Benedict lamented the "evil, suffering and corruption" that have defaced God's creation. But he also thanked the Vatican bureaucrats for having helped him "bear the burden" of his ministry with their work, love and faith these past eight years.

The Vatican's attack on the media echoed its response to previous scandals, where it has tended not to address the underlying content of accusations, but has diverted attention away. During the 2010 explosion of sex abuse scandals, the Vatican accused the media of trying to attack the pope; during the 2012 leaks scandal, it accused the media of sensationalism without addressing the content of the leaked documents.


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Japan press ? North Korea increases activity again at nuclear test site

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The concern is more nuclear testing by North Korea, but:

Examining satellite photos, the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University said Wednesday it detected a rise in traffic at the Punggye-ri site but cautioned that there is not enough evidence to assert that a new test is in the works.

New activity detected at North Korea nuclear site


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Friday, February 22, 2013

US stocks keep sliding on weak data, Fed qualms

Maureen Smaldone, a trader for Brendan E. Cryan and Company, monitor trading activity from her workstation at the New York Stock Exchange on Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013. Stock market indexes flipped between small gains and losses early after the U.S. government reported that housing construction slowed down during the first month of the year. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)

Maureen Smaldone, a trader for Brendan E. Cryan and Company, monitor trading activity from her workstation at the New York Stock Exchange on Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013. Stock market indexes flipped between small gains and losses early after the U.S. government reported that housing construction slowed down during the first month of the year. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)

U.S. stocks continued a two-day slide Thursday on weak economic data and concern about the Federal Reserve's resolve to keep juicing the economy.

Signaling that the U.S. labor market remains in slow recovery mode, the government said more people applied for unemployment benefits last week. The four-week average, a less volatile measure, rose to the highest in six weeks.

The Dow Jones industrial average closed down 46.92 points, or 0.3 percent, at 13,880.62.

The S&P 500 index dropped 9.53, or 0.6 percent, to 1,502.42. The S&P is headed for its first weekly loss of the year. The Nasdaq composite index lost 32.92, or 1 percent, to 3,131.49.

In Europe, markets closed sharply lower after a monthly survey of European executives showed that business activity in the European Union slowed in February, a strong signal that a downturn that began last year will continue into 2013. Benchmark indexes lost 2.3 percent in France, 1.9 percent in Germany, and 1.6 percent in Britain.

U.S. indexes have soared this year to the highest levels since the financial crisis but may be ready to fall back to earth, said Kim Caughey Forrest, senior analyst with Fort Pitt Capital Group, a portfolio management firm in Pittsburgh.

"I think the market has gotten ahead of itself," she said. She said fourth-quarter earnings have generally met expectations, but only after those expectations were reduced because companies made dire projections in November and December.

Wal-Mart Stores rose after beating analysts' profit forecasts in the fourth quarter. However, the biggest retailer warned of a slow start to the year. It gained $1.05, or 1.5 percent, to $70.26.

After a strong start to the holiday season, Wal-Mart said, the first three weeks of December were weak, and business has been volatile since then. The company attributed some of the weakness to a delay in tax refund checks that have left people strapped for cash. Wal-Mart's customers also have less money to spend because a temporary payroll tax cut expired in December.

"Everybody's gotten a 2 percent pay cut, and people who file their taxes early are not getting a refund back in a timely manner," Forrest said.

Supermarket chain Safeway was the biggest gainer in the S&P 500, rising $2.84, or 14.1 percent, to $22.97 after saying its net income jumped 13 percent in the fourth quarter, helped by higher gift and prepaid card revenue.

Electric car company Tesla Motors plunged a day after reporting that its fourth-quarter net loss grew 10 percent on costs related to production of its new Model S. The stock fell $3.38, or 8.8 percent, to $35.16.

Earlier, Asian stocks had closed sharply lower. The sell-off began Wednesday afternoon in New York after the release of minutes from the Fed's latest meeting. The meeting notes showed that some policymakers want to wind down bond purchases and other measures aimed at boosting the economy.

The minutes revealed new divisions over the Fed's low-interest rate policies. There is no sign of inflation, yet there was more evidence that some Fed officials are ready to ease off the stimulus programs before the economy has fully recovered.

The Fed's bond-buying has been boosting markets by reducing the cost of borrowing for companies and investors, Forrest explained. When interest rates are lower, it's possible to do business cheaper even if a company isn't growing, she said.

"Thinking maybe interest rates will creep higher, this is a very chilling scenario" for the market, she said.

The yield on the 10-year Treasury note fell to 1.98 percent from 2.05 percent early Wednesday as demand increased for ultra-safe assets.


Daniel Wagner can be reached at

Associated Press


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Caribbean cell phone company asks South Florida relatives to buy minutes for family back home

An Irish billionaire?s telecommunications company, which has revolutionized cell phone usage in some of the world?s poorest countries, is bringing it?s latest marketing pitch to South Florida.

Digicel is tapping into South Florida?s close ties to Haiti and Jamaica in a campaign that asks families stateside to send minutes home.

Irish billionaire Denis O?Brien has staked a claim in the telecommunication industry by building his cell phone company in developing countries in the Caribbean and South America The South Florida Digicel campaign includes bus bench ads, billboards and television spots. The message is simple: ?Send minutes home.?

Customers stateside can pay to send airtime minutes to family and friends? pre-paid cell phones in the Caribbean. The concept is not new, but Digicel is seeking to broaden it?s reach.

It is a nod to South Florida?s ties to the Caribbean and the financial influence of the region?s diaspora. Families in Haiti and Jamaica rely heavily on remittances from abroad.

Haiti received $2.1 billion in remittances in 2011, which represents more than one quarter of the national income, according to the Inter-American Development Bank . In 2011, Jamaica received nearly $2 billion in remittances.

?We understand the value of the diaspora,? said Valerie Estim?, CEO of Digicel?s diaspora division. ?They are our lifeline.?

Typically the company relies on ethnic media outlets like radio programs and niche publications for advertising, but there was a gap in reaching second- and third- generation Caribbean Americans, who are more plugged in to mainstream media, said Andreina Gonzalez, head of marketing in Digicel?s diaspora division.

?There was an opportunity to step up and go a little further,? Gonzalez said.

The campaign comes at a time when the company is facing some public relations backlash in Haiti and Jamaica. Customers from both islands have taken to social media to decry shoddy connections and poor customer service.

In Haiti, the problems were so acute that Digicel released an apology letter to its customers in December. When the company tried to integrate Voil?, a competitor Digicel acquired, into its network, the integration caused system failures.

?Quite simply, we did not deliver what we promised and we did not communicate effectively with customers through the problem times,? Damian Blackburn, Digicel?s Haiti CEO wrote in the apology.. ?We apologize for letting our customers down and want to thank them for their patience and understanding.?

In South Florida, the marketing pitch is family-centered and draws on the diaspora?s need to stay connected. Digicel representatives say airtime minutes are as valuable as the cash remittances families send to the Caribbean.

The advertising features members of a culturally ambiguous animated family smiling and talking on cell phones.

The ads that appear in Little Haiti, North Miami and North Miami Beach are largely targeting the Haitian community. In South Broward, the focus shifts to the Jamaican population.

A similar campaign has also been launched in New York.

Prices range for $7 to $60 to add minutes to a relative?s Digicel account. Transactions can be made online or at participating stores in South Florida.

?You?re able to make a very big difference with a very small amount of your disposable income,? said Estim?. ?We know how important it is to be able to get in touch with a mother, a sister or a brother.?

The company recognizes that some of its older customer base prefer the retail model, while younger and more savvy consumers would rather send pay for minutes directly from their computers or cell phones.

?It was really impressive to see Digicel online,? said Geralda Pierre, a Miami Gardens resident who sends minute to Haiti. ?It?s so convenient to add minutes for my dad in Haiti who is sick. It makes it easier for me to get in touch with him.?

For now, Digicel says it will continue to mix the old and new. The Creole-language advertisements on Haitian radio and Island TV, a Creole language cable network, are here to stay.

?We are bringing first world convenience in some cases to third world countries,? Estim? said. ?Digicel has in a way improved the lives of our loved ones back home.?

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Drones Large and Small Coming to US

Most of the drones that have begun to appear in the skies above the U.S. homeland don't resemble the Predators or Reapers flown by the U.S. military and CIA above Afghanistan and Pakistan. Instead, these smaller versions of flying, unmanned vehicles almost rival the animal kingdom in their diversity.

Government agencies such as NASA and U.S. Customs and Border Protection operate aircraft-size military drones that take off from runways like airplanes. Labs in the United States have even built tiny drones that look like hummingbirds. But most drones resemble the radio-controlled aircraft and toy helicopters flown by hobbyists for decades, capable of taking off horizontally, vertically or by being thrown into the air like a trained falcon or hawk.

"To say they're all the same is not accurate at all,? said Kevin Lauscher, an industrial sales representative for Draganfly Innovations Inc.

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration does not plan to permit drones armed with weapons in U.S. civilian airspace, according to an official quoted by the Washington Times. But state agencies, sheriff's offices and universities have already found more widespread use for drones that carry cameras for taking photos or video from above.

"If you look at the capabilities, there are small, quad helicopters and rotor helicopters that can be fitted with a camera and fit in the palm of your hand," Lauscher told TechNewsDaily. "They go all the way up [in size] to a Global Hawk,? which is a relatively large military drone.

Draganfly Innovations builds small drones weighing less than 5 pounds that fly under the control of a human operator using two joysticks. The Canadian company has sold some drones to law enforcement for taking pictures or video of traffic accidents or crime scenes, as well as aiding SWAT teams preparing to storm a building or housing compound. [7 Next Generation UAVs]

But law enforcement represents a relatively small part of Draganfly's business. Many more clients use drones to cheaply inspect the exterior of huge factories, manufacturing facilities or construction sites. Drones could even help check on tall structures such as wind turbines, Lauscher said.

FAA drone license applications tracked by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a nonprofit digital rights organization, suggest many other possible uses. Some U.S. states have begun considering drones for checking on highway traffic conditions, inspecting bridges and fighting wildfires. U.S. corporations, such as FedEx, have already begun planning for the day when drones could deliver packages.

Unlike free-flying birds, practically every unmanned aerial vehicle known as a drone flies under some form of human remote control. But university labs have already shown how pre-programmed drones can carry out intricate flight patterns, and military-grade drones have emergency backup routines in case they lose the signal connection to their human operators.

Bird watchers accustomed to spotting a gaggle of geese or a murder of crows may someday spot similar groupings of drones. Such drone swarms will likely use advanced forms of today's artificial intelligence programs to coordinate their missions without precise human control, a future with possibilities both delightful and daunting.

"Can drone technology be abused? Absolutely," Lauscher said. "Can they be beneficial and save lives? Absolutely."

This story was provided by TechNewsDaily, a sister site to LiveScience. You can follow TechNewsDaily Senior Writer Jeremy Hsu on Twitter @jeremyhsu. Follow TechNewsDaily on Twitter @TechNewsDaily, or on Facebook.

Copyright 2013 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Honey Mahogany, 'RuPaul's Drag Race' Contestant, Releases 'It's Honey' (VIDEO)

  • RuPaul

    "You're born naked and the rest is drag." Can't get enough of the <em>legendary</em> RuPaul? Check out <a href="">her website</a> and follow her on Twitter <a href="">@RuPaul</a>.

  • Lady Bunny

    "Our kind looks into a mirror and visualizes something entirely different from what's actually there. Not to confuse drag with transsexualism, but there is another character inside us, which only we can see and we're prepared to endure pain and derision to create our visions. So drag can teach others to think outside the box, use our imaginations, to act on instinct and to have the courage to do all of the above. I imagine that all of these traits must've come to play at the Stonewall riots. 'Imagine' and 'must've' are my attempts to make sure you know that I'm not old enough to have been around back then!" Love the Lady Bunny? Check out <a href="">her website</a> and follow her on Twitter <a href="">@LADYBUNNY77</a>.

  • Sharon Needles

    "Don't take yourself so seriously. Enjoy the shade that is being thrown your way. Remember, the more shade that is thrown your way, the less chance for skin cancer." "RuPaul wasn't kidding when she said what other people think of you isn't none of your god damn business!" "The biggest tip I ever got was from the great Lady Bunny?Retire!!!" Can't get enough of Sharon? Visit <a href="">her website</a> and find her on <a href="">Facebook</a> and Twitter <a href="">@SHARON_NEEDLES</a>.

  • Raja Gemini

    "Drag is spiritual, it is ancient and it's a fucking blast. What began as an escape from reality for me, now feels more like a reconnection with my inner self, like going to church. It is primal; drag, flamboyance, and flair are part of many indigenous cultures, used often to magnify the male prowess and libido. It is individual like a fingerprint and should be worn with the fiercest intention. As the great actor Alan Cumming once said to me many years ago: 'Do it with a look,' (said with a Scottish accent) which I believe means 'Do it your way, be authentic, and own it.'" Need more Raja in your life? Check out <a href="">her website</a> and find her on <a href="">Facebook</a> and Twitter <a href="">@sutanamrull</a>.

  • BeBe Zahara Benet

    "Drag, if done right, could benefit you in more ways than one. What is the right way? The right way is how you feel & you being comfortable. Set boundaries and stand by them. A piece of advise I will share with you, from personal experience is: Don't lose yourself. Be true to you and be proud. Drag is an art and you are the canvas. No matter how you paint or perform, you are what matters. Criticism will come in both good and bad. Take whatever it is and use it to your advantage. Drag has the ability to give you a different sense of self-esteem." Want to connect with BeBe? Find her on <a href="">Facebook</a> and on Twitter <a href="">@BeBeZaharaBenet</a>.

  • Chad Michaels

    Drag has taught me: 1) You don't always have to like the people you work with. Co-exist. Velma Kelly. 2) Brain trumps mouth every time. Think about what you say before you say it. 3) Fight when you have to fight, duck and cover when you can. Survival tactics. 4) Do what you love because nothing else will ever make you happy. Mantra. 5) Ease up on yourself, because most people are WAY more screwed up than you. Revelation. Love Chad Michaels? Check out <a href="">her website</a> and find her on <a href="">Facebook</a> and Twitter <a href="">@ChadMichaels1</a>.

  • Nina Flowers

    "Growing up and coming out under the pressures of Latin culture was very difficult. As a child, I was constantly being bullied for being different. It was so hard and difficult that it made me change my mannerisms in order to avoid the hostility. I changed to the point that I became a different person. Discovering drag was a doorway to escape, releasing all that energy that was locked up inside for so many years. I'm extremely grateful I discovered the art form of drag. Drag gave me back a true part of myself. It gave me a reason to understand the true meaning of the word PRIDE, and how important it is to show your true colors." Want to keep up with Nina? Check out <a href="">her website</a> and be sure to find her on <a href="">Facebook</a> and Twitter <a href="">@DJNinaFlowers</a>.

  • Chi Chi LaRue

    "My Love of drag transcends the stage or DJ booth for me! Drag helped me come out of my fat boy shell and embrace who I was. Drag is all about expression and individuality and as far as I'm concerned, anyone who has the "balls" to put themselves out there is already a star! I think it should be a requirement of life to don drag at least once. Work out your inner CHER!" Keep up with Chi Chi by checking out her <a href="">Facebook</a> page and following her on Twitter <a href="">@DJChiChiLaRue</a>.

  • Alaska

    - Keep Trying: "It took me five years to finally get on RuPaul's Drag Race. Either the casting directors got sick of seeing my rotted audition reels, or persistence pays off. Either way -- don't give up." - Tip: "No really -- tip everyone. The waitress bringing you your fifth bloody mary; the drag queen mush-mouthing to Donna Summer; the lady who cleans the makeup ring from out of your hotel sink. Tip them all, and not just 20 percent either. It's good karma -- and people who don't tip have small wieners." - "Don't take any wooden nickels: Not sure what this one means, but it seems like reasonable advice." Keep up with Alaska by visiting <a href="">her website</a> and following her on Twitter <a href="">@Alaska5000</a> and <a href="">Facebook</a>. Oh, and be sure to watch her on "RuPaul's Drag Race" Season Five now airing on Logo.

  • Vicky Vox

    "When you know who you are, where you are going, where you came from, what you are doing and why -- it is very hard for you to take other people's critiques (requests) or personal attacks seriously. You just won't give a damn. What is the point in trying to do what everyone else is doing? They are already doing that. Do you, boo. You better work... Harder!" Extra Tips: "Prior preparation prevents piss-poor production! (This is why I'm always late. I leave everything until the last minute even though I know better.) Can't afford a new push up bra? Wear three old bras instead. Use one to lift the knockers up. One to bring them together. Then one to smooth them all out! Boop boop.. You've got bigger boobs!" Stay in touch with Vicky on her <a href="">Facebook</a> and by following her on Twitter <a href="">@thevickyvox</a>.

  • Sherry Vine

    "Drag can be thought-provoking, moving and sometimes even frightening; but drag should always be entertaining. My drag tip - be creative, be entertaining, be proud! I live by the expression -- laughter is the best medicine!" Want to keep up with Sherry? Check out <a href="">her website</a>, <a href="">YouTube page</a> and Twitter account <a href="">@MissSherryVine</a>.

  • Tammie Brown

    "Drag has given me the experience to open up to my artistic side and to express myself as a human being. I find that these garments, these clothes, are really really neat. It's like my body is a canvas. Don't let things hold you back and always be open because things are always changing. Take what you got and use it. You're the canvas and use it and be creative. Always shoot big and aim high!" Want to keep up with Tammie? Check out <a href="">her website</a> and find her on <a href="">Facebook</a> and Twitter <a href="">@thetammiebrown</a>.

  • Yara Sofia

    "Pretend you're the best -- point blank. When I'm in drag, I always say, 'They live in my world. I don't live in theirs.' But don't be shady unless somebody comes for you or tries to. 'I'm not a bitch, but if you're a bitch, I'm the mom of all of them.'" "Echa pa lante!" Keep up with Yara by checking out <a href="">her website</a> and finding her on <a href="">Facebook</a> and Twitter <a href="">@yarasofiapr</a>.

  • Pandora Boxx

    "Drag is about having fun. If you're having fun with it and enjoying yourself, others will too. Even if you're a booger queen. Just be the best damn booger out there! And the same is true with life in general. Also: When in doubt, toss some glitter on it." Want to keep up with Pandora? Check out <a href="">her website</a> and find her on <a href="">Facebook</a> and Twitter <a href="">@ThePandoraBoxx</a>.

  • Hedda Lettuce

    "It's not my business what people think about me. Show biz and the drag scene can be very back biting, and if you let people's opinions of you dictate how you feel about yourself, you are screwed. No matter what size you are, it is all about attitude. When you walk into the room, own it girl! And when you walk out, sell it baby! Give them one last impression that will make them weep." Want to keep up with Hedda Lettuce, "The Queen of Green?" Check out <a href="">her website</a> and find her on <a href="">Facebook</a> and Twitter <a href="">@HeddaLettucenyc</a>.

  • Source:

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    Thursday, February 21, 2013

    Zero Motorcycle releases app for iOS and Android with customizable dashboard

    Zero Motorcycles Releases First Ever Motorcycle iPhone and Android App
    -- New Mobile Application Allows Riders to Customize Motorcycle Performance --

    PR Newswire
    SANTA CRUZ, Calif., Feb. 19, 2013
    SANTA CRUZ, Calif., Feb. 19, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Zero Motorcycles, the global leader in the electric motorcycle industry, today announced the release of its highly anticipated mobile application for Apple iOS and Android devices. The "Zero Motorcycles" app is the world's first mobile application with the ability to control the performance characteristics of a production motorcycle. Connected via Bluetooth, the motorcycle pushes live, or archived, information from the motorcycle to the app on the rider's mobile device. Featuring two basic modes, the app displays either a customizable riding dashboard or statistical data about the motorcycle. Riders can customize the riding dashboard with options such as percentage state of charge, torque, drivetrain component temperatures, battery amps and more. When parked, owners can view a lifetime of information about the motorcycle and have access to compelling statistics such as how much gas money they have saved.

    "The Zero Motorcycles app marks the first time in history that a production motorcycle's top speed, torque and regenerative braking can be easily adjusted by an owner in seconds. Not only is it fun, it also results in a riding experience that is truly customized to meet the unique needs of every individual," said Scot Harden, Vice President of Marketing for Zero Motorcycles. "We encourage interested fans to download the app, play with it in Demo Mode and then schedule a test ride with their local dealer so that they can truly appreciate the Zero Motorcycles experience."

    Once paired to a motorcycle, owners can begin customizing settings and feeling good about a host of compelling economical and ecological reasons to ride electric everyday. Among the customizable settings are fields to enter the owner's cost of electricity, cost of a gallon of gas and the miles per gallon of their alternative vehicle. To bring a little extra joy to every ride, the app uses this information to calculate statistics, such as how much money has been saved on gas, the unbelievably low cost of energy consumed per mile and how much CO2 has been prevented from being released into the atmosphere.

    The entire 2013 Zero Motorcycles lineup features the ability to connect to each motorcycle's cutting edge Z-ForceTM powertrain. Seamlessly integrated into the powertrain, the app also allows owners to send their motorcycle's diagnostic reports to a technician so that it can be quickly and easily reviewed. A fantastic deal for owners, there is no additional cost for any of this functionality and the Zero Motorcycles app is free. More information, a user guide and answers to frequently asked questions are available on the Zero Motorcycles mobile app webpage. The app can be downloaded at:

    Apple Store:

    Android Store:

    User Guide:


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    Friday, February 15, 2013

    With 20% Of Reservations Filled, Mailbox Goes Down So You Can Enjoy Your Valentine?s Day

    Freedom-sign-500x250Last week's hot app, Mailbox, is currently down. In a very RIM-esque fashion, the startup's servers are not forwarding mail, resulting in a very quiet Valentines Day. I'm pretty stoked about it. I think this should be a feature. According to Mailbox's twitter page, the company is busy fixing the problem. They quickly issued a couple of official response but one is not very helpful. This one details the problems, stating that they are seeing intermittent issues with our servers syncing mail and new mail created will not be lost.


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    Presentation: Trends in Sustainable Business | PCC News

    Paul Ventura, Chair of Sustainable Business Programs at Marylhurst University, will speak on ?Trends in Sustainable Business? on February 21st, 2013, at PCC?s CLIMB Center.

    He?ll share his insights on the rise of new business models that incorporate a social and environmental mission with profitability, drawing from sectors as diverse as food and finance. The presentation will begin at 6:15 p.m. and will be followed by information on Marylhurst?s MBA in Sustainable Business, an 18-month program that can be completed online or in face-to-face courses. Light snacks will be provided.

    Pre-registration is recommended to assure that you have a seat. Please contact Kristie Bowen at Marylhurst University to register:

    About The Author: James Hill

    James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, has been the Communications Specialist for the Office of Public Affairs at Portland Community College since November of 1999. A graduate of Portland State University, J... more ?


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    Facebook Wins Court Challenge In Germany Against Its Real Names Policy

    Facebook has won a court challenge against its real names policy in Germany.?Yesterday an administrative court in the North of Germany granted Facebook?s request for ?suspensive effect? against a ruling, made by Schleswig-Holstein?s?Data Protection Commissioner, that Facebook?s real names policy was violating German and European law.?The court ruled that German data protection laws aren?t applicable because Facebook has its European headquarters in Ireland ? meaning only (the less stringent) Irish data protection laws apply.

    Back in December the German data protection body in question, the ULD (Unabhaengiges Landeszentrum fuer Datenschutz),?issued a ruling against Facebook?s real-name policy, arguing that it erodes online freedoms and calling for the site to allow the use of pseudonyms.?The ULD said it had received complaints from citizens about Facebook?s policy. It said its aim was to seek clarification of Facebook?s legal position in regards to European data protection law ? and its intention was to pursue a ?regular lawsuit? against the company.

    At the time, Facebook said it planned to ?vigorously? fight the ULD?s ruling ? and its vigor appears to have paid off, with the?Schleswig-Holstein Administrative Court granting it suspensive effect against the ULD?s ruling, meaning its business as usual for Facebook in Germany.

    However the ULD said today it intends to appeal.?In a?press release?(translated via Google translate) on Facebook?s court win, entitled ?Administrative Court of Schleswig granted Facebook free ride?, the ULD said it plans to appeal the court?s decision?before the Schleswig-Holstein Higher Administrative Court.

    The head of the ULD Thilo Weichert described the court?s rulings in Facebook favour as ?more than amazing? and ?contradictory?.

    The ULD has two weeks to appeal the court?s ruling.

    At the time of writing Facebook had not responded to a request for comment. Update:?In an emailed statement, a Facebook spokesman said:??We are pleased with the decision of the Administrative Court of Appeals of Schleswig-Holstein. We believe this is a step into the right direction. We hope that our critics will understand that it is the role of individual services to determine their own policies about anonymity within the governing law ? for Facebook Ireland, European data protection and Irish law. We therefore feel affirmed that the orders are without merit.?

    The news was reported earlier by the?AP?news agency.

    February 1, 2004


    Facebook is the world?s largest social network, with over 1 billion monthly active users. Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004, initially as an exclusive network for Harvard students. It was a huge hit: in 2 weeks, half of the schools in the Boston area began demanding a Facebook network. Zuckerberg immediately recruited his friends Dustin Moskovitz, Chris Hughes, and Eduardo Saverin to help build Facebook, and within four months, Facebook added 30 more college networks. The original...

    ? Learn more


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    Thursday, February 14, 2013

    Russia science park Skolkovo hit by fraud probe

    MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian authorities are investigating two Skolkovo officials after auditors uncovered suspected embezzlement of budget funds, in a setback to a plan to create a Silicon Valley-style technology hub outside Moscow.

    A pet project of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Skolkovo was set up in 2010 to help incubate innovative companies in high-tech industries as part of efforts to diversify the oil and gas-dependent Russian economy.

    While Skolkovo has won backing from more than 20 global high-tech giants such as Microsoft and Cisco, many observers say that a broader state-led drive to diversify the economy is delivering poor results.

    Russia's Investigative Committee said in a statement it had opened a criminal investigation into the Skolkovo Foundation's finance director, Kirill Lugovtsev, and the head of the Skolkovo Customs Finance Company Vladimir Khokhlov, among others.

    The opening of such an investigation in Russia would typically, but not necessarily, precede the filing of criminal charges.

    The investigators said they suspected around 24 million roubles ($800,000) allocated to develop Skolkovo had been stolen, adding documents provided by the state Audit Chamber and the Federal Security Service were the basis for the case.

    The Audit Chamber has revealed violations in respect of 1.4 billion roubles of funds, business daily Vedomosti reported. A spokeswoman for the chamber declined to comment, saying the results of the Skolkovo audit were deemed classified information.

    Alexander Chernov, vice president of the Skolkovo Foundation in charge of communications, declined to comment on the criminal case. He said Lugovtsev had left the foundation, while Khokhlov was still in the job but was on temporary leave.

    Neither Lugovtsev nor Khokhlov could immediately be reached for comment.

    The Investigative Committee, Russia's counterpart to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, is a government agency that reports to President Vladimir Putin.

    (Reporting by Maria Kiselyova; Editing by Louise Ireland and Helen Massy-Beresford)


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    Vigil Planned At Oakdale Church In Aftermath Of Shooting

    MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) ? A vigil has been planned for Tuesday night in Oakdale in the aftermath of a random shooting that left a 9-year-old boy dead, two others hurt and a community in shock.

    Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Oakdale will hold a vigil at 7 p.m. Tuesday that will involve leaders from faith organizations in the community. The church is about a half mile west of where Monday?s deadly shooting took place.

    Officials said the vigil will be open to the public and will include a focus for children to express their grief over the loss of a classmate. A 9-year-old boy died after being shot in the head Monday night. Anyone with questions about the vigil should contact Susan Megrund at Holy Cross Lutheran Church at (651) 739-0647.

    The alleged shooter, 34-year-old Nhan Lap Tran, is in the Washington County Jail on suspicion of second-degree murder and first-degree assault.


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    Wednesday, February 13, 2013

    Rights group: Israel violated laws of war in Gaza

    JERUSALEM (AP) ? A U.S.-based rights group says Israel violated laws of war in a series of airstrikes during an eight-day military operation last November against the Hamas militant group in the Gaza Strip.

    Human Rights Watch says it counted 14 airstrikes in which there didn't appear to be a valid military target, and four others targeting militants, but which used disproportionate force.

    HRW says the attacks killed more than 40 Palestinian civilians. It cites a bomb attack on a Gaza home that killed a father and two children, ages 4 and 2. The group released the report late Tuesday.

    Israel's air assault came after increased rocket fire and other attacks by Gaza militants.

    The military had no immediate comment. In the past, it has accused Hamas of using civilians for cover.


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    Tuesday, February 12, 2013

    Obama awards Medal of Honor to Afghan battle hero

    Shot in the arm, his base overrun, comrades dead or wounded, Army Staff Sergeant Clint Romesha rallies the survivors to beat back the Taliban and today received the nation's highest military honor.

    By Daniel Arkin, Staff Writer, NBC News

    President Obama awarded the Medal of Honor to celebrated Army veteran Clinton Romesha on Monday afternoon, making the former active duty staff sergeant just the fourth living person to receive the military?s highest honor for service in Iraq or Afghanistan.

    Romesha, 31, fought back tears as Obama presented him with the medal honoring his ?conspicuous gallantry? during the Battle of Kamdesh, a day-long firefight at a remote Afghan outpost near the Pakistan border in 2009.

    ?These men were outnumbered, outgunned, and almost overrun,? Obama said in his remarks in the White House East Room.?

    Romesha was recognized for leading the charge against hundreds of Taliban fighters during an Oct. 3, 2009, siege on U.S. troops at Combat Outpost Keating, a small compound military officials considered indefensible.?

    Eight American soldiers were killed and 20 were wounded in the surprise attack, making it the deadliest day for the U.S. in the war effort that year.

    Romesha headed up efforts to retake the camp, risking his own life as U.S. troops were besieged by rocket-propelled grenades, machine guns, mortars and rifles.

    Romesha, who served twice in Iraq, first took out a machine-gun team and then turned to a second, suffering shrapnel wounds when a grenade struck a generator he was using for cover.

    Former Staff Sgt. Clinton Romesha is presented with the Medal of Honor by President Barack Obama at the White House on Monday.

    An official citation read at the ceremony described Romesha?s subsequent acts of valor.

    "Undeterred by his injuries, Staff Sergeant Romesha continued to fight and upon the arrival of another soldier to aid him and the assistant gunner, he again rushed through the exposed avenue to assemble additional soldiers," the citation says.

    ?With complete disregard for his own safety, (he) continually exposed himself to heavy enemy fire as he moved confidently about the battlefield engaging and destroying multiple enemy targets.?

    Previously reported:?"He's always been a good kid."?

    All the while, Romesha devised a strategy to secure key points of the battlefield and directed air support to eliminate a band of thirty heavily armed enemy combatants.

    Mandel Ngan / AFP - Getty Images

    A look at heroes from a post-9/11 era of war

    Romesha and his team also provided cover so three injured soldiers could make their way to an aid station. They then ?pushed forward 100 meters under withering fire to recover the bodies of their fallen comrades,? according to the citation.

    Romesha, a father of three and the son of a Vietnam veteran, reportedly never lost his composure during the chaotic attack, according to CNN journalist Jake Tapper, who chronicled the battle in the 2012 book "The Outpost."

    'Clint is a pretty humble guy'
    During his remarks, Obama recognized the lives of the eight soldiers who died at the Battle of Kamdesh, asking the parents of the fallen seated in the back of the room to stand for applause.?

    But the heart of Obama's speech centered on a visibly emotional Romesha, who appeared to be fighting back tears as he looked ahead at his wife, Tammy, and three young children.

    Colin Romesha, the young son of Medal of Honor recipient Clinton Romesha, finds time to explore the White house while attending a ceremony for his father on Monday.

    "Clint is a pretty humble guy," Obama said. "The thing he looks forward to the most is just being a husband and a father."

    Romesha is slated to be a guest of first lady Michelle Obama at the State of the Union address on Tuesday, CNN reported.

    At a January news conference shortly after Obama called to inform him that he would receive the Medal of Honor, Romesha put the attention squarely on wounded friends and fallen comrades.

    "I've had buddies that have lost eyesight and lost limbs," Romesha said. "I would rather give them all the credit they deserve for sacrificing so much. For me it was nothing, really. I got a little peppered, that was it."

    Romesha, whom Tapper describes in his book as "an intense guy, short and wiry," lives in Minot, N.D., and works at KS Industries, an oil field construction firm.

    A total of ten U.S. service members have been awarded the military's highest honor for actions in Afghanistan and Iraq, including six men who received the honor posthumously.?

    The Medal of Honor is bestowed on members of the U.S. Armed Forces who display what the Army calls "conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty."


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