Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Indie Android Console OUYA Has Over 481 Confirmed Games

OUYA has over 481 confirmed games.

If there's one thing clear about the next console generation, it's that the Big Three may not be enjoying their position on high for much longer. Kickstarter darling OUYA and Valve's Steam Box both focus on a console experience that is no longer quite as locked down as it once was. With Valve's position as a digital service provider sealed with Steam, the company's in a great position to launch a console and provide it ample software support. Despite OUYA's sterling array of personnel, it's a new and untested company. Though its Kickstarter was a roaring success, the crowdfunding site is no guarantee for success. Good software support is a key factor in swaying customers onto a console, something that's rather up in the air for a new console developer. Plenty of indie console developers in the past have done the same song and dance, only to have their projects fail miserably because they fail to woo software developers.

With OUYA's impending release, software support will be key. The Android-based console's already landed Robert Bowling and Robotoki's post-apocalyptic Human Element, but one triple-A developed title is hardly going to be the swaying factor. An OUYA forum member compiled a list of confirmed games for the console, and the list clocks in at 481 titles. Most are unknown games, but there are a few gems such as AirMech, Double Fine Adventure, and Final Fantasy III. Hawken, Fatal Theory, Canabalt, among other titles, are still rumored for an OUYA release. Still, getting 481 titles onto a console for launch is no small feat, and the list will only grow as OUYA's release date gets closer.?


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Source: http://www.tomshardware.com/news/Indie-Console-OUYA-481-Games,21106.html

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