Friday, February 22, 2013

Honey Mahogany, 'RuPaul's Drag Race' Contestant, Releases 'It's Honey' (VIDEO)

  • RuPaul

    "You're born naked and the rest is drag." Can't get enough of the <em>legendary</em> RuPaul? Check out <a href="">her website</a> and follow her on Twitter <a href="">@RuPaul</a>.

  • Lady Bunny

    "Our kind looks into a mirror and visualizes something entirely different from what's actually there. Not to confuse drag with transsexualism, but there is another character inside us, which only we can see and we're prepared to endure pain and derision to create our visions. So drag can teach others to think outside the box, use our imaginations, to act on instinct and to have the courage to do all of the above. I imagine that all of these traits must've come to play at the Stonewall riots. 'Imagine' and 'must've' are my attempts to make sure you know that I'm not old enough to have been around back then!" Love the Lady Bunny? Check out <a href="">her website</a> and follow her on Twitter <a href="">@LADYBUNNY77</a>.

  • Sharon Needles

    "Don't take yourself so seriously. Enjoy the shade that is being thrown your way. Remember, the more shade that is thrown your way, the less chance for skin cancer." "RuPaul wasn't kidding when she said what other people think of you isn't none of your god damn business!" "The biggest tip I ever got was from the great Lady Bunny?Retire!!!" Can't get enough of Sharon? Visit <a href="">her website</a> and find her on <a href="">Facebook</a> and Twitter <a href="">@SHARON_NEEDLES</a>.

  • Raja Gemini

    "Drag is spiritual, it is ancient and it's a fucking blast. What began as an escape from reality for me, now feels more like a reconnection with my inner self, like going to church. It is primal; drag, flamboyance, and flair are part of many indigenous cultures, used often to magnify the male prowess and libido. It is individual like a fingerprint and should be worn with the fiercest intention. As the great actor Alan Cumming once said to me many years ago: 'Do it with a look,' (said with a Scottish accent) which I believe means 'Do it your way, be authentic, and own it.'" Need more Raja in your life? Check out <a href="">her website</a> and find her on <a href="">Facebook</a> and Twitter <a href="">@sutanamrull</a>.

  • BeBe Zahara Benet

    "Drag, if done right, could benefit you in more ways than one. What is the right way? The right way is how you feel & you being comfortable. Set boundaries and stand by them. A piece of advise I will share with you, from personal experience is: Don't lose yourself. Be true to you and be proud. Drag is an art and you are the canvas. No matter how you paint or perform, you are what matters. Criticism will come in both good and bad. Take whatever it is and use it to your advantage. Drag has the ability to give you a different sense of self-esteem." Want to connect with BeBe? Find her on <a href="">Facebook</a> and on Twitter <a href="">@BeBeZaharaBenet</a>.

  • Chad Michaels

    Drag has taught me: 1) You don't always have to like the people you work with. Co-exist. Velma Kelly. 2) Brain trumps mouth every time. Think about what you say before you say it. 3) Fight when you have to fight, duck and cover when you can. Survival tactics. 4) Do what you love because nothing else will ever make you happy. Mantra. 5) Ease up on yourself, because most people are WAY more screwed up than you. Revelation. Love Chad Michaels? Check out <a href="">her website</a> and find her on <a href="">Facebook</a> and Twitter <a href="">@ChadMichaels1</a>.

  • Nina Flowers

    "Growing up and coming out under the pressures of Latin culture was very difficult. As a child, I was constantly being bullied for being different. It was so hard and difficult that it made me change my mannerisms in order to avoid the hostility. I changed to the point that I became a different person. Discovering drag was a doorway to escape, releasing all that energy that was locked up inside for so many years. I'm extremely grateful I discovered the art form of drag. Drag gave me back a true part of myself. It gave me a reason to understand the true meaning of the word PRIDE, and how important it is to show your true colors." Want to keep up with Nina? Check out <a href="">her website</a> and be sure to find her on <a href="">Facebook</a> and Twitter <a href="">@DJNinaFlowers</a>.

  • Chi Chi LaRue

    "My Love of drag transcends the stage or DJ booth for me! Drag helped me come out of my fat boy shell and embrace who I was. Drag is all about expression and individuality and as far as I'm concerned, anyone who has the "balls" to put themselves out there is already a star! I think it should be a requirement of life to don drag at least once. Work out your inner CHER!" Keep up with Chi Chi by checking out her <a href="">Facebook</a> page and following her on Twitter <a href="">@DJChiChiLaRue</a>.

  • Alaska

    - Keep Trying: "It took me five years to finally get on RuPaul's Drag Race. Either the casting directors got sick of seeing my rotted audition reels, or persistence pays off. Either way -- don't give up." - Tip: "No really -- tip everyone. The waitress bringing you your fifth bloody mary; the drag queen mush-mouthing to Donna Summer; the lady who cleans the makeup ring from out of your hotel sink. Tip them all, and not just 20 percent either. It's good karma -- and people who don't tip have small wieners." - "Don't take any wooden nickels: Not sure what this one means, but it seems like reasonable advice." Keep up with Alaska by visiting <a href="">her website</a> and following her on Twitter <a href="">@Alaska5000</a> and <a href="">Facebook</a>. Oh, and be sure to watch her on "RuPaul's Drag Race" Season Five now airing on Logo.

  • Vicky Vox

    "When you know who you are, where you are going, where you came from, what you are doing and why -- it is very hard for you to take other people's critiques (requests) or personal attacks seriously. You just won't give a damn. What is the point in trying to do what everyone else is doing? They are already doing that. Do you, boo. You better work... Harder!" Extra Tips: "Prior preparation prevents piss-poor production! (This is why I'm always late. I leave everything until the last minute even though I know better.) Can't afford a new push up bra? Wear three old bras instead. Use one to lift the knockers up. One to bring them together. Then one to smooth them all out! Boop boop.. You've got bigger boobs!" Stay in touch with Vicky on her <a href="">Facebook</a> and by following her on Twitter <a href="">@thevickyvox</a>.

  • Sherry Vine

    "Drag can be thought-provoking, moving and sometimes even frightening; but drag should always be entertaining. My drag tip - be creative, be entertaining, be proud! I live by the expression -- laughter is the best medicine!" Want to keep up with Sherry? Check out <a href="">her website</a>, <a href="">YouTube page</a> and Twitter account <a href="">@MissSherryVine</a>.

  • Tammie Brown

    "Drag has given me the experience to open up to my artistic side and to express myself as a human being. I find that these garments, these clothes, are really really neat. It's like my body is a canvas. Don't let things hold you back and always be open because things are always changing. Take what you got and use it. You're the canvas and use it and be creative. Always shoot big and aim high!" Want to keep up with Tammie? Check out <a href="">her website</a> and find her on <a href="">Facebook</a> and Twitter <a href="">@thetammiebrown</a>.

  • Yara Sofia

    "Pretend you're the best -- point blank. When I'm in drag, I always say, 'They live in my world. I don't live in theirs.' But don't be shady unless somebody comes for you or tries to. 'I'm not a bitch, but if you're a bitch, I'm the mom of all of them.'" "Echa pa lante!" Keep up with Yara by checking out <a href="">her website</a> and finding her on <a href="">Facebook</a> and Twitter <a href="">@yarasofiapr</a>.

  • Pandora Boxx

    "Drag is about having fun. If you're having fun with it and enjoying yourself, others will too. Even if you're a booger queen. Just be the best damn booger out there! And the same is true with life in general. Also: When in doubt, toss some glitter on it." Want to keep up with Pandora? Check out <a href="">her website</a> and find her on <a href="">Facebook</a> and Twitter <a href="">@ThePandoraBoxx</a>.

  • Hedda Lettuce

    "It's not my business what people think about me. Show biz and the drag scene can be very back biting, and if you let people's opinions of you dictate how you feel about yourself, you are screwed. No matter what size you are, it is all about attitude. When you walk into the room, own it girl! And when you walk out, sell it baby! Give them one last impression that will make them weep." Want to keep up with Hedda Lettuce, "The Queen of Green?" Check out <a href="">her website</a> and find her on <a href="">Facebook</a> and Twitter <a href="">@HeddaLettucenyc</a>.

  • Source:

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